In order to match the input paramters for this UFO (ALP_linear_UFO) to the ones for the Bauer et al. UFO (ALP), the following formulas are useful: CBtil = CBB * 4\pi\alpha/cw2 = CBB * 0.128215343 CWtil = CWW * 4\pi\alpha/sw2 = CWW * 0.420418893 CBB = -CZA + CAA*(1-sw2) CWW = CZA + CAA*sw2 where the input parameters for the W/gamma sector in card are Mimasu: CBtil, CWtil Thamm: CAA, CZA The correspondance of other parameters is Mimasu Thamm ------ ----- fa Lambda Ma MALP Wax (*) WALP (*) In the original version of the UFO the width of the ALP was hardcoded to zero. I modified the UFO files in order to get it parametric. I haven't yet performed the exercise of mapping the couplings of the ALP to higgs and fermions in the two models.