Questionnaire and Evaluation for the French CNRS


Status (Student, Post-doc, Prof.,...):

Scientific Department (CNRS members only):

Current research topic:

Number of years in research:

1. How did you know about the Workshop?
Mail     Web       Poster   
Other, specify :

2. Is your registration the result of

  Other, specify :

3. Compared to your expectations, what did you gain from this workshop (choose three answers maximum)
a)Acquisition of basic concepts in a field (specify the field)
b)Updated or improved knowledge in one field (specify the field)
c)New information about a topic close to your research (specify the topic)
d)Knowledge about a theoretical and/or technical tool
e)Overall view of current research
f)Meeting with specialists
g)Setting up a collaboration
h)Other(s), specify :

Among the selected answers which one is essential to you? 

4. In your opinion, are these gains staisfactory compared to  your initial expectations (deepening your knowledge, thematic reorientation,...)?  

5. If not, in which fields were you disappointed by the workshop?
(specify the fields or the topics)
6. Was the length of the workshop satisfactory?  

7. In your opinion this Workshop will lead to ?  (choose three answers maximum)
a)deepening your research 
b) redirecting the focus of your research
c) new research project 
d) cooperation with other researchers 
e) visit to a laboratory 
f) insertion in a new network
g) publications
h) reading
i) Other, specify :

If none why?

8. In your opinion which were the good and bad points of the Workshop?

9. Which are the educational methods (lectures, discussion groups, practical work, ...) proposed during this workshop which seemed the most relevant to you?

10. Are there other method(s) you would have liked?

. Which of the following occasions provided a better environment for exchanges with the participants and the conveners? 
a)plenary sessions 
b)working groups  
d)Other(s), specify :

12. Did you have personal interactions with the other participants?  
 if yes what was the subject of these exchanges?
a)a particular point the seminars
b)respective research work
d)other, sepcify 

13. Do you think these exchanges will lead to
14. Do you wish a continuation of this workshop?  
if yes,