
Tools and Monte-Carlo for the SM and BSM Working Group

     1 Monte Carlos and Tuning

           1.1 Validity of tunes and Uncertainty Bands (Sessions 1 & 2)
           1.2 Tuning in the presence of matching (Session 1)
           1.3 Common non-susy BSM scenario and benchmark points (Session 2)
           1.4 BSM Monte Carlo (Session 2)

     2 Matching

           2.1 Benchmarks for Matching (Sessions 1 & 2)
           2.2 With NLO/Multileg (Session 1)
           2.3 Matching beyond Fixed Order (Session 1)
           2.4 Automated Matching for BSM Processes (Session 2)

      3 Parton Densities

           3.1 PDFs in Monte Carlos (Session 1)
           3.2 Beyond LO* (Session 1 & 2)

      4 Jets and Energy Flows

           4.1 Jet Substructure (Sessions 1 & 2)
           4.2 QCD radiation patterns (Session 1)
           4.3 New Jet Algorithms (Sessions 1 & 2)
           4.4 Jet Calibration

details of the activities of the WG are updated regularly on the wiki