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2013:groups:higgs:ehd [2013/06/19 15:59]
2013:groups:higgs:ehd [2013/06/20 09:40]
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 **Exotic Higgs Decays** **Exotic Higgs Decays**
-Interested people: Adam, Roberto, Filip, Jack Gunion, Sabine, Grégory, Beranger, Kirtimaan, Yun Jiang, Aoife... ​ (please add your name!) ​+Interested people: Adam, Roberto, Filip, Jack Gunion, Sabine, Grégory, Beranger, Kirtimaan, Yun Jiang, Aoife, Lorenzo, Alex A., Nazila, Andreas...  (please add your name!) ​
 Finding exotic (not predicted by the SM) Higgs decays could be the shortest route to new physics. ​ Finding exotic (not predicted by the SM) Higgs decays could be the shortest route to new physics. ​
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 The goal of this project is to  1) classify possible exotic ​ Higgs decays, 2) Check existing constraints on the couplings mediating exotic decays, so as to see whether they leave room a non-negligible branching fraction, 3) Prompt experimental searches for the motivated decays that are not being searched for by experiments ​     The goal of this project is to  1) classify possible exotic ​ Higgs decays, 2) Check existing constraints on the couplings mediating exotic decays, so as to see whether they leave room a non-negligible branching fraction, 3) Prompt experimental searches for the motivated decays that are not being searched for by experiments ​    
-To facilitate a systematic exploration one can classify the decays according to the number of SM particles the Higgs decays to. Below are some examples, you're welcome to add more.  ​+To facilitate a systematic exploration one can classify the decays according to the number of visible ​SM particles the Higgs decays to. Below are some examples, you're welcome to add more.  ​
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 E.g these decays could be induced by the operator -c|H|^2/​v^2 ​ F_{\mu \nu} X_{\mu \nu} where  E.g these decays could be induced by the operator -c|H|^2/​v^2 ​ F_{\mu \nu} X_{\mu \nu} where 
-X_\mu is a dark vector boson that subsequently decays to the DM particles. ​ gamma+MET decays could also arise from the cascade decays in h-> neutralino+gravitino -> 2xgravitino+gamma in SUSY, see  1203.4563 ​ +X_\mu is a dark vector boson that subsequently decays to the DM particles. ​ gamma+MET decays could also arise from the cascade decays in h-> neutralino+gravitino -> 2xgravitino+gamma in SUSY, see  1203.4563
 +Z+MET decays can occur e.g. in inverse see-saw models (ref?) as a cascade decay h-> nu N -> nu Z nu.    ​
 To do: check the constraints on the effective operator, find the maximum allowed branching fraction, check whether some LHC searches (monophotons?​ mono-Z?) could pick up this decay, devise experimental strategy. ​ To do: check the constraints on the effective operator, find the maximum allowed branching fraction, check whether some LHC searches (monophotons?​ mono-Z?) could pick up this decay, devise experimental strategy. ​
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 3 particle:  ​ 3 particle:  ​
--  h -> f1 F(*) -> Z f1 f2,  where f1 f2 are SM fermions, and F is a heavy BSM fermion with couplings y h F f1, g F \gamma_\mu f2 Z_\mu. F could be charged or not charged, colored or not charged (several possibilities with different f1 f2).    +-  h -> f1 F(*) -> Z f1 f2,  where f1 f2 are SM fermions, and F is a heavy BSM fermion with couplings y h F f1, g F \gamma_\mu f2 Z_\mu. F could be charged or not charged, colored or not charged (several possibilities with different f1 f2). For this case must check LEP limits on Z^(*)-> f F.  If F must be very heavy then BR for such decay would be very small.
- +
-- for this case must check LEP limits on Z^(*)-> f F.  If F must be very heavy then BR for such decay would be very small.+
-To do: existing constraints,​ e.g. from h->​ZZ*4l;​ limits on F from direct searches, precision contraints on F, collider strategies ​  +To do: existing constraints,​ e.g. from h->​ZZ*4l;​ limits on F from direct searches ​(LEP and LHC), precision contraints on F, collider strategies ​  
 - h -> Z/A X - > Z/A f fbar  where X is an intermediate boson , and f could be b, tau, mu, e, etc.  - h -> Z/A X - > Z/A f fbar  where X is an intermediate boson , and f could be b, tau, mu, e, etc. 
2013/groups/higgs/ehd.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/30 22:13 by lorenzo.basso