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2013:groups:sm:blha [2013/06/09 13:47]
2013:groups:sm:blha [2013/08/13 09:33]
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 The details are in the new version of the draft: The details are in the new version of the draft:
-[[http://​​wiki/​_media/​2013:​groups:​sm:​blhaupdate2013.pdf|Pdf file]] of the updated write-up+[[http://​​wiki/​_media/​2013:​groups:​sm:​blhaupdate.pdf|updated write-up]]  
 +[[2013:​groups:​sm:​blha:​api|Suggested C/C++ and Fortran declarations ​ (API)]] for the runtime interface. 
 +Concerning full SM corrections,​ they can be accommodated by the interface (possibly split into several contributions) if CouplingPower QCD, CouplingPower QED and CorrectionType can be specified on per-process basis. 
 +PDF information (if it is available) like the number ​of flavours used in the running coupling can be passed from MC via OLP_SetParameter. 
 + --- //​[[|Valery Yundin]] 2013/06/11 09:30// 
 ==== Precision setting and OLP_EvalSubProcess ==== ==== Precision setting and OLP_EvalSubProcess ====
-The threshold of accuracy ​below which the point should be considered unstable ​is set in the order file using +The target ​accuracy the user would like to reach is set in the order file using 
-<​code>​Precision 1e-4</​code>​+<​code>​AccuracyTarget 0.0001</​code>​
 The information of whether accuracy has been reached is returned to MC via extra integer parameter **rstatus** The information of whether accuracy has been reached is returned to MC via extra integer parameter **rstatus**
 <code c++> <code c++>
-void OLP_EvalSubProcess(const int* j, const double* pp, double* rval, int* status)</​code>​+void OLP_EvalSubProcess2(const int* j, const double* pp, const double* mu, double* rval, int* status)</​code>​
 Also all arguments are changed to pointers to facilitate FORTRAN compatibility and allow future format extensions. Also all arguments are changed to pointers to facilitate FORTRAN compatibility and allow future format extensions.
-  * ''​const int* j''​ -- one element array with channel number (previously ''​const int''​)+  * ''​const int* j''​ -- (one elementarray with channel number (previously ''​const int''​)
   * ''​const double* pp''​ -- momenta array (unchanged)   * ''​const double* pp''​ -- momenta array (unchanged)
 +  * ''​const double* mu''​ -- renormalisation scale (unchanged)
   * ''​double* rval''​ -- array of return values   * ''​double* rval''​ -- array of return values
-  * ''​intstatus''​ -- one element array with status of accuracy check+  * ''​doubleacc''​ -- one element array with status of accuracy check
 //​Comments://​ //​Comments://​
-The question whether the scale and the coupling(s) should be in the argument list (as it has been in the  
-standards so far) is not yet fully settled. ​ 
 The Fortran 2003 standard, which is supported since at least the last 5 years by all main compilers, supports c-bindings including call-by-value. But of course to get better compatibility with older Fortran standards and to be more flexible in the future, we can change everything to call-by-reference (effectively equal to call-by-pointer) as in the current draft. The old BLHA has call-by-value for the scale. The Fortran 2003 standard, which is supported since at least the last 5 years by all main compilers, supports c-bindings including call-by-value. But of course to get better compatibility with older Fortran standards and to be more flexible in the future, we can change everything to call-by-reference (effectively equal to call-by-pointer) as in the current draft. The old BLHA has call-by-value for the scale.
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  --- //​[[|Johann Felix v. Soden-Fr.]] 2013/06/07 18:04//  --- //​[[|Johann Felix v. Soden-Fr.]] 2013/06/07 18:04//
 +I agree with that. 
 + --- //​[[|Daniel Maitre]] 2013/06/10 09:34//
 ==== Discussion of June 6 ==== ==== Discussion of June 6 ====
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 called by MC after ''​OLP_Start''​. called by MC after ''​OLP_Start''​.
-==== Summary of June 5 meeting ​ ====+ 
 === Passing Parameters:​=== === Passing Parameters:​===
-<code c++>​OLP_SetParameter(const char*, ​const &double, ​const &double, ​&int)</​code>​+<code c++>​OLP_SetParameter(char* ​para, double* re, double* im, int* ierr)</​code>​
 The keywords for the particle masses and widths are defined by their PDG codes, The keywords for the particle masses and widths are defined by their PDG codes,
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 Global settings like  Global settings like 
   * ''​MassiveParticles'',​   * ''​MassiveParticles'',​
-  * ''​ActiveParticles'',​ 
   * ''​ExcludedParticles''​   * ''​ExcludedParticles''​
 should also be possible. should also be possible.
 + --- //​[[|Daniel Maitre]] 2013/06/10 09:37//
 +The int is a return status I guess. 0: fine 1: don't know this setting 2: know this setting but unhappy about value passed. You could think about having a pointer to an array instead of two arguments? Easily extensible to larger values, one could imagine passing, say, the ckm matrix entries.
 ===Treatment of unstable phase space points:=== ===Treatment of unstable phase space points:===
-no changes with respect to the last version of the draft+please see new version of the draft
 ===different powers of coupling constants:​=== ===different powers of coupling constants:​===
 allow different settings for different subprocesses allow different settings for different subprocesses
 +The new setup can be used for merged samples as well as mixed QCD/EW corrections.
 +It can also be used to pass additional information referring only to particular subprocesses ​
 example:  ​ example:  ​
-   AlphasPower ​2  ​(global setting) +   CouplingPower QCD 2   
-   ​process x AlphasPower 3  AlphaPower 1 (use these orders in alpha_s, alpha only for process x) +   ​process x  
-   ​process y AlphasPower 4  AlphaPower 0+   ​process y 
-This setup can be used for merged samples as well as mixed QCD/EW corrections. +   ​CouplingPower ​QCD 3  ​ 
-It can also be used to pass additional information referring only to particular subprocesses,​ e.g.+   CouplingPower QED 2   
 +   ​process z  
 +   ​process zz  
 +   ​CouplingPower QCD 1  
 +   ​CouplingPower QED 1 
 +   ​AmplitudeType LoopInduced True  
 +   ​process xy
-   ​process x AlphasPower 3  AlphaPower 1  AmplitudeType LoopInduced+ 
 ===EW corrections:​=== ===EW corrections:​===
 no changes wrt the last version of the draft. ​ no changes wrt the last version of the draft. ​
-Importance to keep the EW Scheme option "UserDefined" was stressed.+Importance to keep the EW Scheme option "OLPDefined" was stressed.
 ===Polarisation/​Colour:​=== ===Polarisation/​Colour:​===
 Conventions for polarisation vectors already have been fixed at the last meeting. Conventions for polarisation vectors already have been fixed at the last meeting.
-For special options concerning ​colour  +The keywords "​ccTree"​ and "​scTree"​ for colour/​spin-correlated tree matrix elements ​ 
-(terms in 1/N expansion, not colour summed, etc) it was felt that this should ​be  +have been introduced. Special ​terms in the colour ​1/N expansion ​can be defined using  
-"hardwired" ​between the particular OLP/MC providers to follow the individual needs.+the "Extra" ​flag. 
 ===Restrictions such as diagram filters, exploitation of special symmetries, etc:=== ===Restrictions such as diagram filters, exploitation of special symmetries, etc:===
-Also rather ​something where the particular OLP/MC providers (humans) should talk to each other.+Rather ​something where the particular OLP/MC providers (humans) should talk to each other,  
 +but can be accommodated using the "​Extra"​ flag.
 ===Extras=== ===Extras===
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 The keyword "​Extra"​ can be used to write special requirements relevant to the OLP into the order file. The keyword "​Extra"​ can be used to write special requirements relevant to the OLP into the order file.
 Apart from transmitting them to the order file, the MC will ignore them if they are unknown/​irrelevant to the MC.  Apart from transmitting them to the order file, the MC will ignore them if they are unknown/​irrelevant to the MC. 
- + 
 + --- //​[[|Daniel Maitre]] 2013/06/10 09:45// 
 +This is trying to tell the MC what to do with Extra parameters given to it through its runcard and how to generate the order file? I don't think this is the scope of what we want to do.   
 + ​---//​[[|Gudrun Heinrich]] 2013/06/10 11:15// 
 +For the moment, it is rather to write items into the order file which are relevant to the OLP only, but not to the MC.  
 +The MC does nothing but copy strings.  
 +The idea is that this way the OLP does not have to read input files other than the order file.
 Test cases to try out implementation of the new settings: Test cases to try out implementation of the new settings:
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-Test cases will be discussed on Monday June 10, 17h00, Auditorium.+Open issues coming up while starting the implementation  
 +of the test cases will be discussed on Monday June 10, 17h00, Auditorium.
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 b) Implementation of corrections (in particular EW) in Monte Carlo programs (e.g. Sherpa) b) Implementation of corrections (in particular EW) in Monte Carlo programs (e.g. Sherpa)
-c) Extension to loop-induced processes: interface for modules of NLO calculation (2-loop virtual and 1-loop Born/real), e.g. [[http://​​abs/​hep-ph/​0206194|gg -> gamma gamma]]+c) Extension to loop-induced processes: interface for modules of NLO calculation (2-loop virtual and 1-loop Born/​real) ​
2013/groups/sm/blha.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/13 09:33 by gudrun.heinrich