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2013:groups:tools:lhef [2013/06/06 10:50]
andy.buckley [Reweighting vectors]
2013:groups:tools:lhef [2013/06/07 15:49] (current)
andy.buckley Mention need for alpha_s specification
Line 12: Line 12:
 Some extra concerns: Some extra concerns:
-  * Support for weight ​matrixes ​to correlate multiple simultaneous scale/PDF variations (Maria Vittoria ​ Garzelli)+  * Support for weight ​matrices ​to correlate multiple simultaneous scale/PDF variations (Maria Vittoria ​ Garzelli)
   * Identification of //meaning// of weights, esp for experiment use where the users know little about how the generator was run (Andy Buckley)   * Identification of //meaning// of weights, esp for experiment use where the users know little about how the generator was run (Andy Buckley)
 +  * 
 +===== ME/PS PDF tracking =====
 +Need to forward the matrix element PDF info to the shower generator, if not already done. HepMC needs to be able to record a separate shower PDF identity (at present MC samples which use an LO shower PDF on top of an NLO LHE event file will report that they only used the LO PDF when the shower generator is queried).
 +===== alpha_s specification =====
 +alpha_s(MZ) and the running order need to be specified so that the shower generator has the option to match the ME coupling definition automatically.
2013/groups/tools/lhef.1370508655.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/06 10:50 by andy.buckley