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2013:groups:tools:matching [2013/06/07 16:21]
andy.buckley created
2013:groups:tools:matching [2013/06/17 15:12] (current)
klaus.rabbertz [Generators of interest]
Line 18: Line 18:
 ==== Remaining freedom in μF and μR ==== ==== Remaining freedom in μF and μR ====
-Argument that $\mu_R = k p_T^2(inargumentof\alpha_sforbothMEandPS)shouldnaturallyhavek \sim 0.4fromNLLA_2term equivalencetoscalemodification(cf.FrankKrauss).Thisork = 1$ both viable. Explore both.+Argument that μR=kpT (in argument of αs for both ME and PS) should naturally have k0.4 from NLL A2 term ~equivalence to scale modification (cf. Frank Krauss). This or k=1 both viable. Explore both.
 Effect of ×2 variations on μR: include both schemes, so use k={0.2,0.4,1.0,2.0} settings for comparison. Effect of ×2 variations on μR: include both schemes, so use k={0.2,0.4,1.0,2.0} settings for comparison.
Line 31: Line 31:
 ===== Comparison study ===== ===== Comparison study =====
-Evaluate effect of different matching procedures for dijet events at NLO. Using Rivet ATLAS & CMS analyses of R32, inclusive/​dijet spectra and jet rates (and ratios), jet shapes and pile-up/​UE-robust jet mass etc. **Restrict to dijet process at NLO for now.**+Evaluate effect of different matching procedures for dijet events at NLO. Using Rivet ATLAS & CMS analyses of inclusive/​dijet spectra, R32 and jet rates (and ratios), jet shapes and pile-up/​UE-robust jet mass etc. **Restrict to dijet process at NLO for now.**
 Include scale variations //and// scheme uncertainties separately. Include scale variations //and// scheme uncertainties separately.
Line 43: Line 43:
   * POWHEG-BOX + PYTHIA6? (1 scheme x 2 αs(MZ))   * POWHEG-BOX + PYTHIA6? (1 scheme x 2 αs(MZ))
   * Sherpa MC@NLO   * Sherpa MC@NLO
 +  * BlackHat + Sherpa ?
 +  * Njet + Sherpa ?
   * (a)MC@NLO+Herwig++?​   * (a)MC@NLO+Herwig++?​
   * Herwig++ MatchBox?   * Herwig++ MatchBox?
   * Pythia8 UNLOPS?   * Pythia8 UNLOPS?
 +  * HEJ
   * //More?//   * //More?//
 +Planning session blackboard:
 + --- //​[[|Klaus Rabbertz]] 2013/06/17 15:12//
 +We have provided a step by step guide for generation of
 +fixed order events with NJet+Sherpa via the NJet website
 +[[https://​​njet/​njet/​wiki/​NJetSherpa2_0_beta|Event Generation with NJet+Sherpa]]
 +Get in touch with Valery( or myself if it needs any clarification/​doesn'​t work etc.
 + --- //​[[|Simon Badger]] 2013/06/11 17:50//
 +==== Other ====
 +{{:​2013:​groups:​tools:​powheg-matching-schemes.pdf|Slides on POWHEG+Pythia8}}
 +{{:​2013:​nlo_matched_20130607.pdf|More slides on POWHEG+Pythia and Herwig etc}} 
 +  * systematic variation of underlying event simulation: eigentunes? other ideas? ​
 +  * PDF uncertainties:​ how to do them properly in the shower? ​ is this important?
2013/groups/tools/matching.1370614898.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/07 16:21 by andy.buckley