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2013:groups:tools:substructure [2013/06/05 18:42]
loch.peter [Configurations]
2013:groups:tools:substructure [2013/06/06 11:31]
loch.peter [Software version 1]
Line 31: Line 31:
-===== Configurations =====+===== Configurations ​& Software ​===== 
 +The following configurations for the (average) number of pile-up interactions $\langle\mu\rangle$ are suggested 
 +$$ \langle\mu\rangle = \{ 30, 60, 120, 240 \} $$ 
 +The actual number of pile-up interactions added to the signal event is taken from a Poisson distribution around $\langle\mu\rangle$.  
 +==== Software version 1 ==== 
 +Pile-up can be added dynamically using this **{{:​2013:​groups:​tools:​anal02.tar.gz| software}}**. The main concept here is that the ROOT based raw data is converted into an ''​Event''​ obejct containing lists of ''​PseudoJet''​s (from ''​Fastjet''​) representing 
 +  * the total particle (hadron) level event (signal + pile-up) 
 +  * the particle (hadron) level signal event 
 +  * the particle (hadron) level pile-up event  
 +The code is not very convenient to use in this version. After unpacking with 
 +tar zxvf <​archive>​.tar.gz 
 +on most systems I expect a 
 +<​code>​make all</​code>​ should work to compile the library and the example in ''​anal02.C''​. ​ For implementing your own analysis, please check the ''​anal02.C''​ and ''​Zprime_Py8::​analyze(Event&​ rEvt)''​ (your playground) in ''​Zprime_Py8.C''​ as examples. The program supports a few command line arguments 
 +anal02.exe --help --mu=<​mu>​ --nevts=<​number of (signal) events>​ 
 +           ​--sigflist=<​text file with list of signal files> 
 +           ​--puflist=<​text file with list of pile-up files> 
 +Some hints: 
 +  * ''​--help''​ prints a brief usage instruction (which I think is not up-to-date, so please ignore!) 
 +  * ''​--mu=<​mu>''​ expects the number of interactions per event. if ''<​mu>​ < 0'',​ exactly ''​|<​mu>​|''​ interactions are collected into one event. ''<​mu>​ > 0''​ means a Poisson-distributed number of pile-up interactions will be collected from the pile-up (minimum bias) event samples.  
 +    * if you specify both signal and pile-up input, ''<​mu>''​ should be the number of pile-up events to be added to one signal event  
-Pile-up can be added dynamically using this **{{:​2013:​groups:​tools:​anal02.tar.gz| software}}**. 
 ===== Methods ===== ===== Methods =====
2013/groups/tools/substructure.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/07 15:46 by andy.buckley