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2015:groups:higgs:diff [2015/06/06 23:56]
2015:groups:higgs:diff [2015/06/17 18:32]
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 ====== Discussion on Differential Higgs Cross Section Measurements ====== ====== Discussion on Differential Higgs Cross Section Measurements ======
-  ​* Discussion focused on H->​gammagamma and H->​4leptons (and maybe H->WW)+//If you are interested in contributing please [[2015:​groups:​topicsignup:​Higgsdiff|sign up here]].// 
 +  ​* Discussion focused on H->​gammagamma and H->​4leptons (and H->WW)
   * Currently available measurements:​   * Currently available measurements:​
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                 * Tau(C)j (lower pTj cut important)                 * Tau(C)j (lower pTj cut important)
                 * Tau0                 * Tau0
-        * 1-jet resolution variables+        * 1-jet resolution variables ​for pTj1/​pT(H)/​Tauj1 > cut for different cuts (30, 50, 100)
                 * pTj1/pTj2 more differentially ​                 * pTj1/pTj2 more differentially ​
-                * pT(Hj)-system ​for pTj1 > cut or pT > cut for different cuts+                * pT(Hj-system)
                 * phi(H-j)                 * phi(H-j)
                 * Tau1, jetmass                 * Tau1, jetmass
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                 * Delta phijj mapped to full [0, 2pi] (see arXiv:​1006.0986)                 * Delta phijj mapped to full [0, 2pi] (see arXiv:​1006.0986)
                 * for CP studies in ggH: use loose delta eta_jj cut (some separation between jets, but looser than one would use for VBF studies)                 * for CP studies in ggH: use loose delta eta_jj cut (some separation between jets, but looser than one would use for VBF studies)
-        * While statistics is limited, measurement of the moments is useful (binning effects should be investigated).+        * While statistics is limited, measurement of the 1st, 2nd moments ​of distributions ​is useful\\ (binning effects should be investigated). 
 +  * H->​WW(->​lnulnu) 
 +    * Most promising: 0-jet (smaller uncertainties from ttbar backgrounds) 
 +    * Definition of fiducial region should include cuts on mll and mT 
 +      *mT<mH reduces off-shell component to avoid associated uncertainties (~10%) 
 +    * Interesting measurement:​ 0-jet cross section as a function of the pT cut in the jet veto, going as low as possible 
 +    * Do not subtract pp->WW contribution to avoid associated uncertainties (quote estimated contribution) 
 +    * Harmonized fiducial cross section measurements between Higgs and SM would be nice 
 +  * Possibility of a measurement of VH? 
 +    * high pT(V) (easier experimentally) or m(VH) (more direct from the theory perspective) would be interesting from the BSM perspective 
 +    * H->bbbar 0-jet selection is likely the most promising, large uncertainties with the present statistics 
 +      * NB: pT(V) and m(VH) very correlated in 0-jet selection 
 +  * Isolation for photons and leptons 
 +     * Some measurements include an isolation requirement for the photons or leptons into the definition of the fiducial region as the isolation efficiency depends on the production mode. 
 +     * Provide corrections from isolated to full phase space in publications,​ preferably by production mode. 
 +  * Normalized or non-normalized measurements?​ 
 +    * Potential advantage: reduction of some experimental uncertainties,​ which will become more relevant when we are no longer dominated by statistical uncertainties. 
 +    * As theoretical predictions are for cross sections, non-normalized cross sections are preferred in general. They also contain more information. 
 +    * If the full experimental covariance matrix is provided, the normalization can be done easily.  
 +  * Information that is useful to include in publications to allow making maximal use of the results 
 +    * cross correlations between different spectra. In addition, it would also be useful to provide the correlation between the differential distributions and the measured total (fiducial) cross section. 
 +    * estimated nonperturbative effects 
 +    * estimated contributions of non-ggH modes 
 +    * acceptance corrections to allow extrapolation from fiducial region to full phase space (for convenience) 
 +  * Background subtraction?​ 
 +    * Experimentally H->​gammma gamma makes more sense fully background subtracted 
 +    * H->​ZZ->​4l or H->​WW->​2l2nu could give measurements including irreducible background (with appropriate fiducial phase space definition including eg suitable m4l window in that case) 
 +    * In that case prediction for irreducible background should also be provided to allow theorists to easily subtract it if desired 
 +== Session 2 discussion == 
 +jet selection anti-kT R=0.4, pt>25-30 GeV, |eta|<​4.5 
 +== ggF == (|eta|<​2.5) 
 +0j : sigma times BR 
 +1j : pT 100,​200,​(300,​400)_mt,​overflow 
 +2j : bin in 2j exclusive and 3j inclusive, distributions mjj, Delta eta_jj, Delta Phi_jj 
 +== VBF == 
 +2j : mjj, Delta eta_jj, Delta Phi_jj 
 +== VH == 
 +fully leptonic: mVH 300...500, overflow 
 +1l, 0l: mT>200 GeV
-Points for further discussion: 
-  * Background subtraction for H->ZZ should be done or not? 
-  * More details to be discussed for gamma gamma? 
-  * How to deal with interference?​ 
-  * Should spectra be measured normalized or not normalized? 
-        * not normalized (normalization can always be done later)? 
-  * What is possible for H->WW? 
 +== ttH ==
 +m_T(ttH) ...,500,...
2015/groups/higgs/diff.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/14 08:22 by philippe.gras