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Chair: Nicola De Filippis

Members: Veronica Sanz, Harrison Prosper, Sabine Kraml, Daniel Schmeier, Sezen Sekmen, Giacomo Polesello, Jory Sonneveld, Nishita Desai, Camillo Carillo, Sanjoy Biswas, Monika Wielers, Ilaria Brivio, Jose Miguel No



Parton Events

The lhe files for the different models are here:

Higgs Scalar
Background for 4l final state:

ZZto2e2mu: (xsection=0.29084336591184917 pb)

ZZto4e: (xsection=0.13205154366855495 pb)

ZZto4mu: (xsection=0.13205154366855495 pb)

ZH, H→ZZ→4l: (xsection=2.62619200000000028e-04 pb)

ttH, H→ZZ→4l: (xsection=1.53566999999999988e-04 pb)

WminusH, H→ZZ→4l:

WplusH, H→ZZ→4l: (xsection WplusH+WminusH= 4.16760000000000015e-04 pb)

ggH, H→ZZ→4l: (xsection=1.32638400000000007e-02 pb)

VBF, H→ZZ→4l: (xesction=0.001131896 pb )

Help Needed for gamma gamma with this part, new background

Showered, Reconstructed Events

Here are the .root files for some of the files above (more to be added). The files in the directory itself are created using Standard Delphes 3.2.0 and with the PileUp events from below. Electrons, Muons and Photons are not isolated in this sample! Track and Tower information is available in the ROOT file to apply an external isolation routine. The used detector card can be found under “Auxiliary”.
Each signal .root file contains 1000 events, background samples contain 5000 events.

Delphes PileUp Events

Cross Sections

Cross sections x BR(H→ZZ→4l) (in pb) (M_zprime=1TeV, M_scalar=1TeV)
Model File sigma x Br (pb)
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 1.065e-11
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 1.0567e-11
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 2.2276e-17
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 5.789e-20
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 1.333e-21
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 0.00000636732
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 0.0000063590400
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 0.0000002264028
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 0.00000001475772
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 0.00000000003287160
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 0.000849144
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 0.000809598
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 0.00000002508564
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 0.0000000001063428
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 0.000000000000027086640
Cross sections x BR(H→gg) (in pb) (M_zprime=1TeV, M_scalar=1TeV):
Model File sigma x Br (in pb)
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 8.05296e-11
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 7.9777e-11
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 1.6817e-16
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 4.37076e-19
Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 1.0064e-20
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 0.0000525996
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 0.0000525312
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 0.000001870284
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 0.0000001219116
Higgs_Zprime_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 0.000000000271548
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV 6.94031999999999982e-03
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV 6.68723999999999968e-03
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV 2.07229199999999993e-07
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV 8.78483999999999983e-10
Higgs_scalar_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV 2.23759199999999990e-13



How to Run Delphes on an LHE file using Pythia for showering

I'll try to give a quick tutorial on the necessary steps to do the above chain very conveniently, so that everyone can test the above LHE files. I suppose most people have the relevant tools already but I still try to cover everything. Let me start with the necessary installation steps:

  1. Download and install HepMC from here In the following I will call the directory /hepmcdir
  2. Download the latest Pythia8 from here Note that I had problems using any older version (even 8205!).
  3. ./configure --enable-shared --with-hepmc2=/hepmcdir; make; make install. Even if you have Pythia, if you did not compile it with enable-shared options before you cannot run the Pythia-Delphes chain! In that case you have to install Pythia8 anew! In the following I will call the directory /pythiadir
  4. Download and install Delphes from here
  5. Within the Delphes folder, do 'export PYTHIA8=/pythia8dir; make HAS_PYTHIA8=true DelphesPythia8'
  6. In order to run Delphes, do './DelphesPythia8 detectorcard.tcl output.root'.
  • For the detector card, you can use the one in delphes/cards/delphes_card_CMS_pileup.tcl until we have decided on the actual settings. If you want to use the above PileUp sample, you have to explicitly put the file path in the “set PileUpFile” line!
  • For the pythiasettings, there is a working example below (which you can just store in a text file)
Main:numberOfEvents = 1000
Beams:frameType = 4
Beams:LHEF = /.../Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV.lhe

To fix the decays of the Higgs, you have to add the following to the above pythia input card:
For H→gamma gamma

25:onMode = off
25:onIfMatch = 22 22

For H → ZZ → 4l

25:onMode    = off
25:onIfMatch = 23 23
23:onMode    = off
23:onIfAny   = 11 13 15
  • If you open a new terminal, you have to do the 'export' step again before you can run the DelphesPythia8 executable
  • If Pythia complains about not finding something that involves xmldoc, you have to - in addition to the above - do export PYTHIA8DATA =$PYTHIA8/xmldoc

Macros for 4l analysis running on delphes samples:

git clone

List of plots that can be produced for 4l analysis:

a) Before all the cuts:

- Order the lepton in increasing pT and plot them on the same canvas.
- plots the relative isolation variable of the leptons

b) Then build the Z1 as reported in slide 1 (see References). Plot the Z1 mass . Plots the isolation variable of the leptons not included in the Z1 building. Plots the impact parameter if available.

c) Build the Z2 as pointed in the slide above

d) plots the 4l invariant mass after the full selection and the MET.

e) Plots the same stuff soft signal and background and try to over-impose.

See References for the cuts and a list of Delphes objects and their properties.

Slides of mon-Higgs+DM analysis results in the four lepton and MET final state:

Preliminary results on gamma gamma and 4muons:

Some summary slides for summary talk by Sacha Nikitenko:

Tool for statistical analysis by Harrison Prosper:
This standalone tool can be used to compute upper limits on a cross section (or signal strength) given one or more observed counts, $N$. The package can be downloaded from github using

git clone

To build it, do

cd limits

To initialize some environment variables, do


and to test it do,

cd example
./ 1 1 0 0 0 1

This calculates the 90% upper limit for count $N = 1$. (The other parameters, signal efficiency $\epsilon$, efficiency uncertainty $\delta\epsilon$, background $B$, background uncertainty $\delta B$, and an integrated luminosity ${\cal L}$ are set to 1, 0, 0, 0, and 1, respectively.) The 90% upper limit is the well known value 3.9 for a Poisson distribution with $N = 1$.

Usage The package contains two C++ classes (callable from Python via PyROOT) MultiPoisson and Bayes. The first class sets up a multi-Poisson model, while the second class computes (Bayesian) limits. The Python program (which is used in shows how to use these two classes. Here are the essential code snippets.

  # load the liblimits shared library using PyROOT
  from ROOT import gSystem
  # make the MultiPoisson and Bayes classes visible to Python
  from ROOT import MultiPoisson, Bayes
  # initialize multi-Poisson model
  # from an input file.
  model = MultiPoisson('inputs.dat', 1)
  # set up Bayes limit calculator
  data     = model.counts()
  sigmamin =  0.0
  sigmamax = 20.0
  CL       =  0.90
  bayes    = Bayes(model, data, sigmamin, sigmamax, CL)
  # compute upper limit  
  limit = bayes.quantile()
  print "limit = %10.2f" % limit

Description The limits package computes cross section limits for the multi-Poisson model, $$ p(D \,|\, \sigma, \epsilon, b, {\cal L}) = \prod_{i=1}^K \frac{e^{-n_i} \, n_i^{N_i}}{N_i!}, $$ where $D \equiv N_1,\cdots, N_K$ denotes the set of observed counts and $$n_i = \sigma \, \epsilon_i \, {\cal L} + b_i$$ is the expected count per bin, with $\sigma$, $\epsilon_i$, and $b_i$ the cross section, and the bin-by-bin expected efficiency and expected background, respectively. In order to use the program to compute limits on a signal strength, $\mu$, rather than a cross section, where $n_i = \mu \, s_i + b_i$, one need merely set ${\cal L} = 1$ and make the identifications $ \sigma \rightarrow \mu$, $\epsilon \rightarrow s_i$.

The program marginalizes over the model parameters $\epsilon, b, {\cal L}$, $$ p(D \,|\, \sigma) = \int p(D \,|\, \sigma, \epsilon, b, {\cal L}) \, \pi(\epsilon, b, {\cal L}) \, d\epsilon \, db \, d {\cal L}, $$ with respect to an evidence-based prior density, $\pi(\epsilon, b, {\cal L})$, that encodes whatever is known about these parameters. The function $p(D \,|\, \sigma)$ is called the marginal (or integrated) likelihood. Bayes theorem, $$ p(\sigma \,|\, D ) = p(D \,|\, \sigma) \, \pi(\sigma) \, / \, p(D), $$ is then used to compute the posterior density $p(\sigma \,|\, D)$. The posterior probability, $p(\sigma \,|\, D) \, d\sigma$, is the probability (interpreted as a degree of belief) that the true value of $\sigma$ lies in the interval $[\sigma, \sigma + d\sigma]$. The function $\pi(\sigma)$ is the prior density for the cross section. In principle, it encodes what we know about the cross section independently of the new data $D$. In practice, we usually set $\pi(\sigma) = 1$, though the program allows for more sophisticated choices. The upper limit on the cross section $\sigma_{UP}$ at $100 \times (1-\alpha)$% CL is the solution of the equation, $$\int_0^{\sigma_{UP}} p(\sigma \,|\, D) \, d\sigma = 1 - \alpha,$$ which is calculated by the class Bayes.

The evidence-based prior density $\pi(\epsilon, b, {\cal L})$ can be very complicated. This is because the signal efficiencies and backgrounds typically depend on many underlying experimental and theoretical parameters that are not known precisely, such as the jet energy scale (JES), jet energy resolution (JER), the trigger efficiencies, the object identification efficiencies, numerous data to Monte Carlo correction factors, parton distribution functions (PDF), and artifacts such as the renormalization and factorization scales that enter theoretical calculations. ATLAS and CMS make valiant attempts to model explicitly how all uncertain quantities affect the signal efficiencies and backgrounds (in principle) across multiple signals, multiple backgrounds, multiple signal regions and multiple bins. The explicit modeling, however, of these dependencies quickly leads to enormous complexity.

The limits package takes a different approach. In any given analysis, it is generally possible to identify the independent (or approximately independent) sources of uncertainty. For example, the uncertainty in the jet energy scale is surely independent of the uncertainty in the CT10nlo PDFs. All uncertainties, whatever their provenance and whatever words are used to describe them, be it statistical, systematic, theoretical, best guess, etc., can be accounted for in the same way:

  • Identify all independent sources of systematic uncertainty. Note: if you observe $N = $9 counts in a bin then that number is not uncertain. On the contrary, it is known to be exactly 9! What is uncertain is the expected count in that bin of which 9 is our best estimate and $\pm 3$ is a rough measure of the uncertainty in the expected value. That is why it makes sense to put error bars on bins with $N = 0$ because the bars are about $n$, not $N$.
  • Randomly, and simultaneously, sample from the independent sources of systematic uncertainty.
  • Read in one variation of all the systematic uncertainty parameters.
  • Then, event by event:
    • re-calculate all observables that depend on the systematic uncertainty parameters, and
    • execute the analysis with the updated observables.

Consider the following example. Parton distribution functions are not known precisely and, therefore, are a source of uncertainty. The uncertainty in PDFs, for example, the CT10nlo PDFs, can be encapsulated in an ensemble of PDF sets that can be created using the LHAPDF program hessian2replicas. For each set of CT10nlo PDF sets, one runs the entire analysis chain whose output is either a set of histograms with $K$ bins or, more generally, a flat ntuple from which histograms can be made. Every event is re-weighted by the ratio of the product of the new PDFs to the product of PDFs with which the events were generated. The resulting ensemble of histograms and, therefore, efficiencies and backgrounds incorporates the uncertainty due to our imperfect knowledge of the PDFs. Given this ensemble, the marginal likelihood is approximated by simply averaging the likelihood, $$ p(D \,|\, \sigma) \approx \frac{1}{M} \sum_{j=1}^M p(D \,|\, \sigma, \theta_j), $$ with respect to the parameters $\theta \equiv \epsilon, b$. Each term in the sum is associated with one random variation of the CT10nlo PDF parameters.

The variations of imprecisely known quantities, such as the JES and PDFs, can, and should, be done simultaneously by running the analysis (or analyses) $M$ times, in parallel, each with a different random variation of the imprecisely known quantities. Varying them one by one in order to quantify the relative importance of each systematic effect is instructive. However, adding the resulting uncertainties in quadrature may not be adequate.

The key to this approach is to think carefully about how each randomly varied parameter affects the observables in the analysis. How does the jet energy scale and jet energy resolution affect jet observables and therefore the missing transverse energy? How do the data to Monte Carlo corrections affect the observables and the event weight? How does the trigger efficiency affect the event weight? How do the PDFs affect the event weight, and so on?

Final remarks Ideally, every analysis chain comprises two independent modules: event by event, the first module takes as input the nominal (experiment or framework-dependent) objects and a particular point in the space of systematic parameters and outputs the re-calibrated framework-independent objects, ideally, as vectors of TParticle objects, while the second module takes as input the re-calibrated TParticle objects and outputs histograms and, or, flat ntuples. The second module should have no knowledge of the provenance of the TParticle objects. If we wrote our analysis codes this way, they would become framework-independent reusable modules. But, I've just realized I have been dreaming!

2015/groups/higgs/dmhiggs/monoh.1434945798.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/22 06:03 by harrison.prosper