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2015:groups:higgs:morehiggs:lowmassdiphoton [2015/06/16 11:30]
camilo.carrillo [Meetings]
2015:groups:higgs:morehiggs:lowmassdiphoton [2015/06/17 14:34]
Line 39: Line 39:
       tar -xvf HepMC-2.06.09.tar.gz       tar -xvf HepMC-2.06.09.tar.gz
       cd HepMC-2.06.09/ ​       cd HepMC-2.06.09/ ​
-      ./configure --enable-shared --with-momentum=GEV --with-length=CM+      ./​configure ​--with-gzip ​--enable-shared --with-momentum=GEV --with-length=CM
       make       make
       make install       make install
Line 45: Line 45:
       tar -xvf pythia8209.tgz       tar -xvf pythia8209.tgz
       cd pythia8209       cd pythia8209
-      ./configure --enable-shared --with-hepmc2=../​HepMC-2.06.09+      ./configure --enable-shared --with-hepmc2=$complete path$/​HepMC-2.06.09
       make       make
       make install  ​       make install  ​
Line 51: Line 51:
       tar -xvf Delphes-3.2.0.tar.gz       tar -xvf Delphes-3.2.0.tar.gz
       cd Delphes-3.2.0/​       cd Delphes-3.2.0/​
-      export PYTHIA8=../pythia8209+      ​./configure --with-gzip --enable-shared --prefix=/​home/​miloc/​delphes/​pythia/​ 
 +      ​export PYTHIA8=$complete path$/pythia8209 
 +      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:​$complete path$/​pythia8209/​lib ​
       make HAS_PYTHIA8=true DelphesPythia8       make HAS_PYTHIA8=true DelphesPythia8
 Finally to run Delphes, do  Finally to run Delphes, do 
       ./​DelphesPythia8 detectorcard.tcl output.root       ./​DelphesPythia8 detectorcard.tcl output.root
 +For the detector card, you can use the one in Delphes-3.2.0/​cards/​ \\
 +For the pythiasettings,​ there is a working example below (which you can just store in a text file) \\
 +(you will need to specify a .lhe file. You can find some in the following links)
 +  * wget https://​​test-carrillo/​higgs/​lhe/​Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1000GeV_13TeV.lhe.gz.orig ​
 +  * wget https://​​test-carrillo/​higgs/​lhe/​Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_100GeV_13TeV.lhe.gz.orig ​
 +  * wget https://​​test-carrillo/​higgs/​lhe/​Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_10GeV_13TeV.lhe.gz.orig ​
 +  * wget https://​​test-carrillo/​higgs/​lhe/​Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_1GeV_13TeV.lhe.gz.orig ​
 +  * wget https://​​test-carrillo/​higgs/​lhe/​Higgs_hhxx_scalar_nohdecay_500GeV_13TeV.lhe.gz.orig ​
 +Main:​numberOfEvents = 1000\\
 +Beams:​frameType = 4\\
 +Beams:LHEF = $complete path$/​yourfile.lhe.gz.orig\\
 +To fix the decays of the Higgs, you have to add the following to the above pythia input card:\\
 +**In case of H->gamma gamma**\\
 +25:onMode = off\\
 +25:​onIfMatch = 22 22\\
 +**In case of H -> ZZ -> 4l**\\
 +25:onMode = off\\
 +25:​onIfMatch = 23 23\\
 +23:onMode = off\\
 +23:onIfAny = 11 13 15
 ===== Meetings ===== ===== Meetings =====
 First Meeting (Chat)Doodle:​ First Meeting (Chat)Doodle:​
Line 81: Line 112:
 We have 3 theoretical models (frameworks) where our final state is applicable: We have 3 theoretical models (frameworks) where our final state is applicable:
-Theory 1: Werner+Theory 1: Werner: in the NMSSM the lightest neutralinos/​chargino can be mainly the MSSM higgsinos. 
 +In case of a large singlet-doublet couplings, one gets sizable cross section for 
 +pp -> chi chi H_1. Here chi chi is the summation over all higgsinos which are mass degenerate within a few 
 +The second interesting process ist pp -> H_3 -> H_1 H_1 where the H_3 is the heaviest neutral Higgs boson. 
 +The third is pp -> t t -> W b H+ b where H+ decays into W H_1 and the later to gamma gamma.
 Theory 2: Ulrich Theory 2: Ulrich
 +Theroy 3: Giacomo and Aldo
 +The model consists of a scalar which is pair produced by gauge interactions:​ qq -> H' H', and VBF -> H' H'. At low mass, the kinematically allowed decays are: W gamma (charged) and gamma gamma (neutral).
 +We can start considering a triplet of SU(2)L, with production channels H'+ H'-, and H'+ H'0. We will create a MG file asap.
-Theroy 3: Giacommo and Aldo 
 Experimental ATLAS: Nicolas Experimental ATLAS: Nicolas
Line 98: Line 141:
 === Meeting 3: Wednesday 17th at 14:30 === === Meeting 3: Wednesday 17th at 14:30 ===
 Preparation of the summary slides, based on your inputs in this twiki Preparation of the summary slides, based on your inputs in this twiki
 +Presentation draft:
2015/groups/higgs/morehiggs/lowmassdiphoton.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/18 15:43 by camilo.carrillo