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2015:groups:sm:qg [2015/06/03 16:45]
jesse.thaler [Supplemental Jet Shapes]
2015:groups:sm:qg [2015/06/04 16:37]
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   * Jon Butterworth   * Jon Butterworth
   * Marat Freytsis   * Marat Freytsis
-  * Peter Loch+  * Peter Loch <​>​
   * Deepak Kar   * Deepak Kar
-  * Jesse Thaler 
   * Andrzej Siodmok   * Andrzej Siodmok
-  * Peter Skands+  * Peter Skands ​<​>​
   * Dave Soper   * Dave Soper
   * Gregory Soyez   * Gregory Soyez
 +  * Jesse Thaler <​>​
   * who did I forget?   * who did I forget?
   * Remotely: ​ Andy Buckley, Mario Campanelli   * Remotely: ​ Andy Buckley, Mario Campanelli
 +Link to GitHub repository: ​ https://​​gsoyez/​lh2015-qg
 ===== Preliminaries ===== ===== Preliminaries =====
Line 130: Line 131:
   * tau21, or ECF(2,3)   * tau21, or ECF(2,3)
   * Generalized angularities with soft-drop jets, varying beta_SD   * Generalized angularities with soft-drop jets, varying beta_SD
 +  * Do sum over pairs version of angularities (i.e. ECF-style)
 ===== Next Les Houches Study (for after LH) ===== ===== Next Les Houches Study (for after LH) =====
   * Above study at hadron colliders, using dijets, W/Z/gamma + j, and maybe t tbar samples   * Above study at hadron colliders, using dijets, W/Z/gamma + j, and maybe t tbar samples
-===== Original ​Notes from Gregory ​=====+===== Preliminary plots for meeting on Thursday ===== 
 +===== Notes from Tuesday Meeting ​=====
 <​code>​ <​code>​
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      ​above,​ +PU, VBF      ​above,​ +PU, VBF
      ​[Peter L.]      ​[Peter L.]
 +===== Notes from Thursday Meeting =====
 +Meeting in Les-Houches
 +Presentation of the wiki notes: list of contributors,​ ...
 +Presentation of the status of the software: ​
 +  start w e+e- and do pp later
 +  Rivet analysis in place which computes from a HepMC event sample the various generalised angularity distributions
 +Reminder: what we mean by a q and a g is e+e-\to qq and e+e-\to gg
 +  If we want to do something more refined:
 +    - at LO we can unambiguously sum flavours in hemispheres defined by thrust
 +    - at NLO we can unambiguously sum flavours in hemispheres defined by thrust
 +      we get a quark and a small gluon fraction
 +    - at NNLO things are more complicated. We can use a flavoured
 +      algorithm (BSZ) to define the flavour of each hemisphere
 +    - for pp collisions, we should use a flavoured algorithm to
 +      determine flavour, and then find a way (e.g. using ghosts) to
 +      run anti-kt jets. This would deserve a topic per se (a LH accord)?
 +    - Question: can we match to the Born and find an operatiroal
 +      definition up t power corrections?​
 +      Use case: VBF, two jets with a third jet veto. q/g well-defined
 +                in the exclusive limit
 +Questions to look into:
 + - is the discrimination power (e.g. for width) coming from the hadronisation regime?
 + - plotting in log binninb?
 + - pythia v. herwig important to test string v. cluster hadronisation
 + - isolate hadronisation regime. Study the scaling in different bins
 +   of one angularity (e.g. thrust). Take a hadronisation region
 +   ​(T\propto LQCD/Q) and a shower region (T~0.1-0.2) plus optionally a
 +   "​hard jet region"​ (T >~ 0.25)
 + - does mathing help?
 + - jet radius dependence (edit analysis and recompile)
 + - analytic predictions?​
 +    for thrust: ee->qq known at N^3LL' + N^3LO
 +                ee->qq known at N^2LL' + N^2LO
 +        ang(bkappa=1):​ NLL'
 + - question of the universality/​process dependence of the conclusions?​
 +   ​Related to whether the power comes from the core or the periphery?
 + - process to consider: ​
 +     ​mu+mu- -> spin1 -> qq  take photons
 +     ​mu+mu- -> spin0 -> gg  take Higgs
 +   for tests of universality
 +     ​mu+mu- -> spin0 -> qq
 + - Energies Q=sqrt = 50, 200, 800 GeV
 +   ​jetdef:​ ee-antikt [genkt, p=-1], WTA_modp recomb scheme
 +   ​radii:​ 0.3, 0.6, 0.9
 + - add thrust from thrust hemispheres for analytic purpose
 + - add multiplicity (event-wide) in bins of thrust:
 +     T < 5 GeV/sqrt(S)
 +     5 GeV/sqrt(S) < T < 0.1
 +     0.1 < T < 0.2
 +     0.2 < T
 </​code>​ </​code>​
2015/groups/sm/qg.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/14 08:27 by philippe.gras