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2015:groups:sm:qg [2015/06/04 16:37]
2015:groups:sm:qg [2015/06/04 17:05]
jesse.thaler [Analysis Workflow]
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 a.k.a. Hunting the White Whale of Jet Substructure a.k.a. Hunting the White Whale of Jet Substructure
 +  * Andy Buckley
   * Jon Butterworth   * Jon Butterworth
 +  * Mario Campanelli
   * Marat Freytsis   * Marat Freytsis
   * Peter Loch <​>​   * Peter Loch <​>​
Line 11: Line 13:
   * Dave Soper   * Dave Soper
   * Gregory Soyez   * Gregory Soyez
 +  * Frank Tackmann
   * Jesse Thaler <​>​   * Jesse Thaler <​>​
-  * who did I forget? +  * ...
- +
-  * Remotely: ​ Andy Buckley, Mario Campanelli+
 Link to GitHub repository: ​ https://​​gsoyez/​lh2015-qg Link to GitHub repository: ​ https://​​gsoyez/​lh2015-qg
Line 78: Line 79:
   * ATLAS A14 tune already uses jet shapes, and finds that alpha_s has to be tuned downward in Pythia 8.  This, however, has a detrimental effect on LEP measurements,​ so one has to be cautious about this.   * ATLAS A14 tune already uses jet shapes, and finds that alpha_s has to be tuned downward in Pythia 8.  This, however, has a detrimental effect on LEP measurements,​ so one has to be cautious about this.
   * Is there a tuning flat direction?   * Is there a tuning flat direction?
 +==== Hemisphere quark/gluon definitions in e+e- ====
 +  * Consider the case of e+ e- -> q qbar.  Partition event into (thrust) hemisphere, define hemisphere flavor by summing over flavors of hemisphere constituents.
 +  * At LO, we can unambiguously define hemisphere flavors.
 +  * At NLO, we can also unambiguously define flavor via hemisphere, though there is now a small gluon fraction from gluon recoiling against q qbar pair.
 +  * At NNLO, things are more complicated.
 +    * Can have soft gluon splitting into q-qbar in different hemispheres,​ creates IRC safety issue.
 +    * One can use a flavored algorithm (BSZ) to define the flavour of two flavor-kt jets
 +  * Ultimately, want to give an operational definition of flavor based on the Born-level operator contributing to the process.
 +    * Claim: ​ all subtleties are formally power suppressed.
 +    * Use case, VBF, two jets with a third jet veto, q/g well-defined in the exclusive limit.
 +==== Flavored Jet Algorithms ====
 +  * This is a topic worthy of its own Les Houches study.
 +  * For pp collisions, multiple possible uses of flavored jet algorithms.
 +  * One can just run flavor-kT
 +  * Or one can run flavor-kT to define flavor ghosts, and run standard anti-kT.
 +  * Or one can run flavor-kT for deflavoring constituents,​ and then run standard anti-kT.
 ===== Ultimate Goal for Les Houches Study ===== ===== Ultimate Goal for Les Houches Study =====
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   * Do we understand FSR modeling by workhorse parton showers?   * Do we understand FSR modeling by workhorse parton showers?
 +  * Start with the clean case of e+e-, move to pp later.
 ==== Basic Plan === ==== Basic Plan ===
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   * Generalized angularities with soft-drop jets, varying beta_SD   * Generalized angularities with soft-drop jets, varying beta_SD
   * Do sum over pairs version of angularities (i.e. ECF-style)   * Do sum over pairs version of angularities (i.e. ECF-style)
 +==== Analysis Workflow ====
 +  * Rivet analysis in place which computes from a HepMC event sample the various generalised angularity distributions.
 +==== Questions ====
 +  * Is discrimination power (e.g. for width) coming from the hadronization regime?
 +  * 
 ===== Next Les Houches Study (for after LH) ===== ===== Next Les Houches Study (for after LH) =====
2015/groups/sm/qg.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/14 08:27 by philippe.gras