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2015:groups:tools:lhaad:proposalgrenoble [2016/02/26 12:23]
2015:groups:tools:lhaad:proposalgrenoble [2016/02/26 14:26] (current)
Line 66: Line 66:
 ==== function ===== ==== function =====
 <code autoconf>​ <code autoconf>​
 function function_name function function_name
-  arg1 type-of-arg1 +  arg1 type-of-arg1:​name-of-arg1 
-  arg2 type-of-arg2+  arg2 type-of-arg2:​name-of-arg2
   return type-of-returnvalue   return type-of-returnvalue
 +  code link-to-actual-code
 +  doc link-to-documentation
 +<code autoconf>​
 +function function_name
 +  arg1 name-of-arg1
 +  arg2 name-of-arg2
   code link-to-actual-code   code link-to-actual-code
   doc link-to-documentation   doc link-to-documentation
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Rules:  ​ Rules:  ​
-  * allowed keywords: argX, return, ​code, doc +  * allowed keywords: argX,  code, doc 
-  * argX must count from 1 upwards+  * argX must count from arg1 upward 
 +  * all values of the argX- commands must differ
   * it is recommended to follow with a comment about its meaning after each argument   * it is recommended to follow with a comment about its meaning after each argument
-  * allowed types: int, float, string, bool, detectorobj,​ tlorentzvector,​ X-list (X is any of the allowed types)+  * If typed,allowed types: int, float, string, bool, detectorobj,​ tlorentzvector,​ X-list (X is any of the allowed types)
   * for type '​detectorobj'​ it should be clear from the documentation which information the detectorobj needs to have   * for type '​detectorobj'​ it should be clear from the documentation which information the detectorobj needs to have
 Example: Example:
 <code autoconf>​ <code autoconf>​
 function isolation function isolation
   ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate   ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate
-  arg1 detectorobj # a single electron, muon or photon +  arg1       ​detectorobj:​candidate ​# a single electron, muon or photon 
-  arg2 string ​     # "​calo",​ "​tracks",​ "​eflow"​ +  arg2       ​string:​isosource ​     # "​calo",​ "​tracks",​ "​eflow"​ 
-  arg3 float       # dR cone to be probed+  arg3       ​float:dR              # dR cone to be probed 
 +  arg4       ​float:​ptmin ​          # minpt of objects to be counted 
 +  arg5       ​bool:​relIso ​          # divide by candidate'​s pt? 
 +  returnType float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects 
 +  code http://​ 
 +  doc http://​ 
 +function isolation 
 +  ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate 
 +  arg1 cand # a single electron, muon or photon 
 +  arg2 src      # "​calo",​ "​tracks",​ "​eflow"​ 
 +  arg3 dR       # dR cone to be probed
   arg4 ptmin       # minpt of objects to be counted   arg4 ptmin       # minpt of objects to be counted
-  arg5 bool        # divide by candidate'​s pt? +  arg5 relIso ​       # divide by candidate'​s pt?
-  return float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects+
   code http://​   code http://​
   doc http://​   doc http://​
Line 121: Line 144:
   ### Loose muons   ### Loose muons
   take external   take external
-  select isolation(muon_l.?,​ '​tracks',​ 0.4, 0.5)<0.1+  select isolation(cand=muon_l.?, ​src='​tracks', ​dR=0.4, ptmin=0.5)<0.1
   code http://​   code http://​
   doc http://​   doc http://​
Line 128: Line 151:
   ### loose electrons   ### loose electrons
   take external   take external
-  select isolation(elec_l.?,​ '​tracks',​ 0.4, 0.5)<​0.1 +  select isolation(cand=elec_l.?, ​src='​tracks', ​dR=0.4, ptmin=0.5)<​0.1 
-  reject overlap(elec_l.?,​ muon_l, 0.4)+  reject overlap(cand=elec_l.?, ​neigb=muon_l, ​dR=0.4)
   code http://​elecs.el   code http://​elecs.el
   doc http://​checkmate.elecs.el   doc http://​checkmate.elecs.el
Line 136: Line 159:
   ### medium electrons   ### medium electrons
   take elec_l   take elec_l
-  select hasMediumTag(elec_l.?)+  select hasMediumTag(cand=elec_m.?)
   code http://​elecs.el/​medium   code http://​elecs.el/​medium
   doc http://​checkmate.elecs.el/​medium   doc http://​checkmate.elecs.el/​medium
Line 529: Line 552:
   ​   ​
 results tN_med_high_results:​ results tN_med_high_results:​
-  tN_med ​            ​12     ​13.0   ​2.2 +  ​columns ​ name    obs  bkg   ​bkgerr 
-  tN_high ​                5.0    1.0+  entry    ​tN_med ​ 12   ​13.0  2.2 
 +  ​entry    ​tN_high 5    5.0   ​1.0
 </​code>​ </​code>​
2015/groups/tools/lhaad/proposalgrenoble.1456485817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/26 12:23 by daniel.schmeier