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2015:groups:tools:lhaad [2015/06/17 18:01]
2015:groups:tools:lhaad [2015/06/25 10:07]
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 ===== Les Houches Analysis Description Accord ===== ===== Les Houches Analysis Description Accord =====
-People: S. Sekmen, H. Prosper, G. Unel, B. Fuks, J. Tattersall, D. Schmeier, C. Pollard, S. Kraml, S. Kulkarni, D. Morse, D. Majumder... etc. (add your name if interested)+People: S. Sekmen, H. Prosper, G. Unel, B. Fuks, J. Tattersall, D. Schmeier, C. Pollard, S. Kraml, S. Kulkarni, D. Morse, D. Majumder, N. Desai, D. Sengupta. N. De Filippis, J. Sonneveld, E. Conte ... etc. (add your name if interested)
 Goal: Prepare an SLHA-like easy to read and write accord for describing the flow of an LHC analysis. Goal: Prepare an SLHA-like easy to read and write accord for describing the flow of an LHC analysis.
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 First proposal made for a generic structure. ​ CM and MA authors will try to implement a single lepton stop search. First proposal made for a generic structure. ​ CM and MA authors will try to implement a single lepton stop search.
-Proposal by Daniel Schmeier & Jamie Tattersall+Proposal by Daniel Schmeier & Jamie Tattersall ​[[2015:​groups:​tools:​lhaad:​proposal1]]
-<​code>​ +Proposal by Nishita DesaiSuchita Kulkarni & Devdatta Majumder [[2015:groups:tools:lhaad:​proposal2]]
-# These are the input objects for the analysis code. +
-# Syntax:  +
-#      name    type (see below) +
-# A well formulated comment behind each object should unambiguously state what this object is +
-# such that a _human_ knows what this object corresponds in his/her code +
-       +
-  jets      l<​jet> ​     #   ​pt>​20.anti-ktR=0.4. Contains information about btags with effs (60%,​70%,​80%),​  +
-  elecs     ​l<​el> ​      # ​  ​Contains information about isolation to easily evaluate it later +
-  muons     ​l<​mu> ​      # ​  see elecs +
-  etmiss ​   v           # ​  https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​ETMiss +
-   +
-   +
-# All functions that have to be used later must be defined here +
-# Syntax ​Function_name ​  ​input_type_1 ​ input_type_2 ​  ​input_type_3 ... output_type +
-# Rules: +
-#        - input_types and output_type can be  +
-#           - '​s'​ for scalars/​numbers,​  +
-#           - '​v'​ for LorentzVectors, ​        +
-#           - '​b'​ for booleans +
-#           - '​c'​ for characters/​strings +
-#           - any of the objects defined in the '​object'​ block +
-#           - l<​type>​ to denote a list of objects of common type <​type>​. +
-#        - People are strongly encouraged to comment with a link to a resource where the exact definition +
-#          of that function can be found, in text definiton and maybe a working example in a programming language of choice +
-#        - 2 functions can have the same name if they have different input types+
-BLOCK ANALYSISFUNCTIONS +Combined Proposal by ND, SK, DM, DS & JT[[2015:groups:tools:lhaad:proposal]]
-  mT               ​v ​   v    s             # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​m_T +
-  amT2             ​v ​   v    s             # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​am_T2 +
-  mT2tau ​          ​v ​   v    s             # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​m_T2_tau +
-  mHadTop ​         ?    ?    ?             # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​m_had_top +
-  HTMissSig ​       ?    ?    ?             # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​LHA/​Definitions/​HTmisssig +
-   +
-  # s denotes the working point efficiency +
-  filter_no_bjets ​     l<​jet> ​ s      l<​jet> ​  # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​BJetDefinitionSource +
-  filter_bjets ​        ​l<​jet> ​ s      l<​jet> ​  # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​BJetDefinitionSource +
-  filter_taujets ​      ​l<​jet> ​ s      l<​jet> ​  # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​TauJetDefinitionSource +
-  filter_medium_elec ​  ​l<​elec>​ l<​elec> ​        # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​ElectronIDSource +
-  filter_tight_elec ​   l<​elec>​ l<​elec> ​        # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​ElectronIDSource +
-    +
-  #                    input             ​whichsource ​ dr       ​ptmin ​  ​maxval ​  ​output +
-  filter_iso_abs ​      ​l<​el> ​ s    s   ​s ​  ​s ​  ​l<​el> ​    # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​Definitions/​Isolation +
-  filter_iso_rel ​      ​l<​el> ​ s    s   ​s ​  ​s ​  ​l<​el> ​    # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​Definitions/​Isolation +
-  filter_iso_abs ​      ​l<​mu> ​ s    s   ​s ​  ​s ​  ​l<​mu> ​    # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​Definitions/​Isolation +
-  filter_iso_rel ​      ​l<​mu> ​ s    s   ​s ​  ​s ​  ​l<​mu> ​    # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​Definitions/​Isolation +
-   +
-  trigger ​             l<​el> ​ l<​mu> ​ l<​jet> ​ v           # https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​Definitions/​SingleLepTrigger + EtMissTrigger +
-  dataquality ​         l<​jet>​ v                          # Tuned to a constant efficiency of 99.7%, see here: https://​​twiki/​bin/​view/​XXPublic/​EventCleaning/ ​  +
-   +
-# These functions are like normal functions, but as these are always needed one might find a  +
-#  way to globally use them without continuously redefining them +
-  sum               ​s ​  ​s ​  s +
-  diff              s   ​s ​  s +
-  prod              s   ​s ​  s +
-  quot              s   ​s ​  s +
-  pow               ​s ​  ​s ​  s +
-  random ​           s  +
-   +
-  overlap_removal ​  ​l<​v> ​  ​l<​v> ​  ​s ​    v +
-  delta_phi ​        ​v ​     v      s +
-  delta_r ​          ​v ​     v      s +
-  ptmin             ​l<​v> ​  ​s ​     l<v>  +
-  etarange ​         l<​v> ​  ​s ​     s     ​l<​v>​ +
-  combine ​          ​l<​v> ​  ​l<​v> ​  ​l<​v>​ +
-  take_leading_n ​   l<​v> ​  ​s ​     l<​v>​ +
-          +
-   +
-   +
-# The Preselection block only trims existing objects or define new objects by applying functions on existing ones. +
-# Syntax: ​  ​new_object function parameter1 ​  ​parameter2 ​ ... +
-# Rules: +
-#     - each function must be defined in the function block +
-#     - parameters must match the parameter type definition in the function block   +
-#     - parameters must be numbers, strings, objects that have been defined in previous lines or in the '​object'​ block +
-#     - Every TLorentzVector function ​ "​Double_t Fun() const" can be accessed by (eg. v.m,, v.px, v.costheta +
-#         +
-#     - With vectors one can do +
-#        vectors.n ​  ​returns size +
-#        vectors.3 ​  ​returns the third(!) object in the list +
-#        vectors.8 ​  ​returns a zero object if vectors contains less than 8 entries +
-#     - Cut-Logic should make sure that the last rule does not produce rubbish (see mT example)  +
-#     - objects and functions can have the same name as the syntax does clearly distinguish between the two+
-  ​# Kinematic Cuts on the loose baseline and the signal objects +  ​* Binned information should ​have a simple way to cut it 
-  jets        ptmin           ​jets ​       20  +  ​* Cuts must not branch but instead can use a common '​predecessor'​ 
-  jets        etarange ​       jets        -2.5       2.5 +  ​* Syntax must not contain brackets to allow for an easy parsing 
-  elecs_l ​    ​ptmin ​          ​elecs ​      ​7 ​   +  ​...
-  elecs_l ​    ​etarange ​       elecs_l ​    ​-2.47 ​     2.47   +
-  elecs_m ​    ​filter_elecs_m ​ elecs_l +
-  elecs_m ​    ​ptmin ​          ​elecs_m ​   10   +
-  muons_l ​    ​ptmin ​          ​muons ​     6  +
-  muons_l ​    ​etarange ​       muons      -2.4       2.4 +
-  muons_m ​    ​ptmin ​          ​muons ​     10   +
-   +
-  # overlap removals between bjets, nonbjets and leptons +
-  nob_jets ​       filter_no_bjets ​  ​jets ​       70 +
-  b_jets ​         filter_bjets ​     jets        70 +
-  no_bjets ​       overlap_removal ​  ​no_bjets ​   elecs_m ​  0.2 +
-  elecs_m ​        ​overlap_removal ​  ​elecs_m ​    ​no_bjets ​ 0.4 +
-  elecs_m ​        ​overlap_removal ​  ​elecs_m ​    ​bjets ​    0.2 +
-  muons_m ​        ​overlap_removal ​  ​muons_m ​    ​jets ​     0.4 +
-  tau_jets_l ​     filter_taujets ​   "​loose" ​    ​jets ​   +
-  tau_jets ​       filter_taujets ​   "​tight" ​    ​jets ​   +
-  tau_jets ​       overlap_removal ​  ​elec_loose ​ 0.2 +
-   +
-  # choose signal leptons which have to pass isolation conditions +
-  ​elecs_t ​       ptmin              elecs_m ​  25 +
-  ​elecs_t ​       filter_tight_elec ​ elecs_t ​   +
-  ​elecs_t ​       filter_iso_rel ​    "​tracks" ​     0.2    0.5   0.+
-  mus_mm ​        ​filter_iso_abs ​    "​tracks" ​     0.2    0.5   1.8 +
-   +
-  # combine electrons and muons to leptons +
-  leptons_l ​     combine ​           muons_l ​      ​muons_l +
-  leptons_l ​     ptmin              leptons_l ​    10 +
-  leptons ​       combine ​           elecs_t ​      ​muons_m +
-  leptons ​       ptmin              leptons ​      25 +
-   +
-  # find the leading 4 jets +
-  leading_jets ​  ​take_leading_n ​    ​jets ​         4 +
-  leading_bjets ​ filter_bjets ​      ​leading_jets ​ 70+
-  # Calculate some advanced kinematical quantities +To Be Discussed Isues: ​  
-  HT             ​sum ​        ​ ​  ​ +  ​* Format 
-  ​HT             ​sum ​        ​HT ​ +  ​* Definition of '​detector constructed'​ objects like jets, electrons, etc 
-  ​HT             ​sum ​        ​HT ​         ​ +  ​* How to enforce documentation of the used objects 
-  ​sqrtHT ​        ​sqrt ​       HT +  ​* How to enforce documentation of validation material 
-  ​EtoverHT ​      ​quot ​ ​  ​sqrtHT +  ​...
-  ​dPhi_j1_miss ​  ​dPhi ​       jets.1      etmiss +
-  dPhi_j2_miss ​  ​dPhi ​       jets.2      etmiss +
-  mT             ​mT ​         etmiss ​     leptons.+
-  amT2           ​amT2 ​       ?           ? +
-  mHadTop ​       mHadTop ​    ? ​          ? +
-  mT2Tau ​        ​mT2Tau ​     ?           ? +
-  HTMissSig ​     HTMissSig ​  ? ​          ? +
-   +
-  # Find overall efficiency for event +
-  trigeff ​       trigger ​    ​elecs_l ​    ​muons_l ​  ​jets ​  ​etmiss +
-  cleaningeff ​   dataquality elecs_l ​    ​muons_l ​  ​jets ​  ​etmiss ​  +
-  eventeff ​      ​prod ​       trigeff ​    ​cleaningeff ​  +
-  trigrand ​      ​random +
-  .... +
-   +
-# CUT blocks contain combinations of boolean statements +
-# Syntax: +
-#    Variable ​  ​operator ​  ​Value +
-# Rules: +
-#    - operator: ​ <, <=, =, >, >=, != +
-#    - allowed Variables are:  +
-#       - input objects +
-#       - everything defined in the preselection block +
-#       - a preceeding CUT can be condidered as a Boolean +
-#    - functions cannot be used here. If the result of a function is needed, it must be evaluated in the preselection block +
-#    - there can be more than one condition in one CUT. Obviously this means that all conditions have to be fulfilled ​           ​+
-CUT  common +Suggestion
-  leptons.n ​  ​= ​  1 +  ​* AcronymLHADA (Les Houches Analysis Description Accord) and not LHAAD 
-  leptons_l.n =   1 +  ​* Information about benchmark points 
-  jets.n ​     >=  4 +  ​* Information about process generation needs to be added (merging parametersgenerated processlink SLHA file if neededlink to model files etc.)
- ​  > ​  100 +
-   +
-       +
-CUT leadjets_60to25 +
- ​  > 60 +
- ​  > 60 +
- ​  > 40 +
- ​  > 25 +
-   +
-CUT leadjets_80to25 +
- ​  > 80 +
- ​  > 60 +
- ​  > 40 +
- ​  > 25 +
-   +
-CUT leadjets_100to25 +
- ​  > 100 +
- ​  > 80 +
- ​  > 40 +
- ​  > 25 +
-   +
-CUT large-R-jet +
-  fat_jets.n >= 1 +
-  fat_jets.1.m > 75 +
-   +
-CUT dPhi12 +
-  fat_jets.n >= 2   +
-  dPhi_j1_miss ​  > 0.8 +
-  dPhi_j2_miss ​  > 0.8 +
-   +
-CUT tN_diag +
-  common ​         =  True +
-  leadjets_60to25 =  True +
-  leading_bjets.n >= 1 +
-  mT              > 100 +
-  mHadTop ​        > 130 +
-  mHadTop ​        < 205 +
-  taujets.n ​      = 0 +
-  dRbl            < 2.5 +
-  EtoverHT ​       > 5 +
-  dPhi12 ​         = True +
-   +
-  +
-CUT tN_med +
-  common ​         =  True +
-  leadjets_80to25 =  True +
-  leading_bjets.n >= 1 +
- ​      > 200 +
-  mT              > 140 +
-  amT2            > 170 +
-  mHadTop ​        > 130 +
-  mHadTop ​        < 195 +
-  HTMissSig ​      > 12.5 +
-  dPhi12 ​         = True +
-   +
-   +
-CUT tN_high +
-  common ​         =  True +
-  leadjets_80to25 =  True +
-  leading_bjets.n >= 1 +
- ​      > 320 +
-  mT              > 200 +
-  amT2            > 170 +
-  mT2tau ​         > 120 +
-  mHadTop ​        > 130 +
-  mHadTop ​        < 250 +
-  dRbl            < 3.0 +
-  HtMissSig ​      > 12.5 +
- +
-# Cuts are interpreted as "​remove event if it fails this". However, some conditions might just +
-# apply a weight to the event. These can be stated in the following block +
-# Syntax: +
-#      Cut   ​weight +
-# Rules: +
-#      - Cut must correspond to a CUT block +
-#      - weight must be a scalar, can be a variable though +
- +
-  ​common ​  ​eventeff +
-   +
-      +
-   +
-# BINNING blocks simplify exclusive bin-cuts and easily identify orthogonal regios +
-# Syntax: +
-#    BINNING ​(somename) +
-#      Cut        (name of cut after which binning is applied) +
-#      Parameter ​ (parameter to bin) +
-#      New-Cutname1 ​  ​bin1_min ​  ​bin1_max +
-#      New-Cutname2 ​  ​bin2_min ​  ​bin2_max +
-#      ... +
-# Rules: +
-#    - Cut and Parameter must be valid, see above +
-#    - New-Cutname1 is a new Cut just like it was defined via a "CUT " block +
-#    - -inf and inf for "​everything less/more than"​ +
-#    - Bins don't have to be orthogonal. Still it is easy to automatically check orthogonality a posteriori +
-     +
-BINNING tN_diag_mT +
-  ​Cut       ​tN_diag +
-  ​Parameter mT +
-  tN_diag_g100 ​ 100   125 +
-  tN_diag_g120 ​ 125   150 +
-  tN_diag_g150 ​ 150   inf +
- +
-BINNING tN_diag_Etmiss1 +
-  Cut       ​tN_diag_g100 +
-  Parameter mT +
-  tN_diag_g100_g60 ​  ​60 ​  90 +
-  tN_diag_g100_g90 ​  ​90 ​  120 +
-  tN_diag_g100_g120 ​ 120  150 +
-  tN_diag_g100_g140 ​ 150  inf +
- +
-BINNING tN_diag_Etmiss2 +
-  Cut                tN_diag_g125 +
-  Parameter ​         mT +
-  tN_diag_g125_g60 ​  ​60 ​  90 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g90 ​  ​90 ​  120 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g120 ​ 120  150 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g140 ​ 150  inf +
- +
-BINNING tN_diag_Etmiss3 +
-  Cut                tN_diag_g150 +
-  Parameter ​         mT +
-  tN_diag_g150_g60 ​  ​60 ​  90 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g90 ​  ​90 ​  120 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g120 ​ 120  150 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g140 ​ 150  inf +
- +
- +
-# Experimental Results are written in the following block +
-# Syntax: +
-#    SRname ​ Obs   ​Bkg ​  ​Bkgerr1 ​  ​Bkgerr2 ​ Bkgerr3 ... +
-# Rules: +
-#    Each SRname must correspond ​to a cut from above +
-BLOCK ExpResults:​ +
-  tN_diag_g100_g60 ​  ​3452 ​  ​3452 ​  59 +
-  tN_diag_g100_g90 ​  ​1712 ​  ​1720 ​  ​161 ​    +
-  tN_diag_g100_g120 ​ 313    295    50 +
-  tN_diag_g100_g140 ​ 201    235    34 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g60 ​  ​2018 ​  ​2018 ​  45  +
-  tN_diag_g125_g90 ​  ​768 ​   767    80 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g120 ​ 117    136    22 +
-  tN_diag_g125_g140 ​ 163    152    30 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g60 ​  ​2543 ​  ​2543 ​  ​50 ​  +
-  tN_diag_g150_g90 ​  ​647 ​   684    79 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g120 ​ 98     ​13 ​    101 +
-  tN_diag_g150_g140 ​ 217    236    29 +
-  tN_med ​            ​12 ​    ​13.0 ​  2.2 +
-  tN_high ​           5      5.0    1.0 +
- +
-# Cutflows show events after consecutive evaluation of conditions +
-# Syntax: +
-#    Parameter Operator Value   ​EventsAfterCut1 ​  ​Uncertainty ​  "​Description in LateX Format"​ +
-# Rules: +
-#    - Parameter operator Value combinations:​ See above +
-#    - Cuts are applied one after another +
-#    -  +
-    +
-CUT mHadTopRange +
-    mHadTop ​        > 130 +
-    mHadTop ​        < 205    +
-     +
-CUTFLOW ​ tN_diag_echannel +
-    True             ​= ​ True     ​200000 ​  ​0 ​  "​Initial Events"​ +
-    trigrand ​        < ​ trigeff ​ 113762 ​  ? ​  "​Trigger"​ +
-    leptons_l.n ​     =  1        28785    ?   "​Lepton ​(exactly 1 baseline)"​ +
-    leptons.n ​       =  1        19875    ?   "​Lepton (exactly 1 signal)"​ +
-    jets.n ​         >=  3        17959    ?   "​At least 3 jets $\geq$ 25 GeV" +
-    jets.n ​         >=  4        13682    ?   "​At least 4 jets $\geq$ 25 GeV" +
- ​      >​= ​ 60       ​12804 ​   ?   "​jet1pt $\geq$ 60" +
- ​      >​= ​ 60       ​9489 ​    ? ​  "​jet2pt $\geq$ 60" +
- ​      >​= ​ 40       ​8556 ​    ? ​  "​jet3pt $\geq$ 40" +
-    leading_bjets.n >=  1        7192     ? ​  "​btag(70) >= 1" +
-    dPhi_j1_miss ​   >=  0.8      6611     ? ​  "​dPhi(jet1etmiss) >= 0.8" +
-    dPhi_j1_miss ​   >=  0.8      5147     ? ​  "​dPhi(jet2etmiss) >= 0.8" +
- ​      >​= ​ 150      1314     ? ​  "​Etmiss >= 150" +
-    EtoverHT ​       >=  5        1314     ? ​  "​Etmiss/​sqrtHT >= 5" +
-    mT              >=  140      446      ?   "​mT >= 140 GeV" +
-    mHadTopRange ​   =   ​True ​    ​283 ​     ?   "​mHadTop in 130205" +
-    taujets_l.n     ​= ​  ​0 ​       257      ?   "​veto on loose Taus"​ +
2015/groups/tools/lhaad.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/26 10:18 by daniel.schmeier