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2015:groups:tools:start [2015/05/27 18:21]
fawzi.boudjema created
2015:groups:tools:start [2015/07/06 12:23] (current)
philippe.gras PS + matching uncertainties was already here.
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Tools and Monte Carlo Working Group ====== ====== Tools and Monte Carlo Working Group ======
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​backgrounds|Background subtraction in fiducial measurements]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​ttjets|ttbar+jets measurements]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​Vbb|V+b(b) measurements]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​sm:​nloew|NLO EWK corrections (joint with SM)]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​hjets|Study of the validity of different pQCD approximations for non-trivial observables in pp->​h+jets (ggF)]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​showeruncertainties|Shower and Matching Uncertainties]]
 +Session 2
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​pythia8tutorial|Pythia 8 tutorial]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​Falcon | Falcon ]]
 +[[2015:​groups:​tools:​LHAAD | LH Analysis Description Accord ]]
2015/groups/tools/start.1432743694.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/27 18:21 by fawzi.boudjema