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2015:groups:tools:vbb [2015/11/11 17:34]
2015:groups:tools:vbb [2016/02/24 16:02]
vitaliano.ciulli [github instructions]
Line 84: Line 84:
   * 4F MC@NLO (pp->​Zbb)   * 4F MC@NLO (pp->​Zbb)
   * 5F MEPS@LO (pp->Z + pp->Zj+ pp-> Zjj + pp -> Z jjj) all processes at LO,    * 5F MEPS@LO (pp->Z + pp->Zj+ pp-> Zjj + pp -> Z jjj) all processes at LO, 
-  * 5F MEPS@NLO (pp->Z + pp->Zj+ pp-> Zjj) @NLO + (pp -> Z jjj)  at LO.+  * 5F MEPS@NLO (pp->Z + pp->Zj+ pp-> Zjj) MC@NLO + (pp -> Z jjj)  at LO.
  ​Notes:​  ​Notes:​
-  * For the 5F_LO scheme different choices of mass treatment in the ME  +  * For the 5F_LO scheme different choices of mass treatment in the ME   
-  * PDF variations: NNPDF30, CT14, MMHT14+  * PDF variations: NNPDF30, CT14, MMHT14 ​(aS(mZ)=0.118)
   * both parton and particle level   * both parton and particle level
   * Possibly Wbb too if enough time   * Possibly Wbb too if enough time
 + 4F Scheme Set Up:
 +  * b-Mass ​    = 4.72 GeV
 +  * Z-Mass ​    = 91.1876 GeV
 +  * PDF_Set ​   = NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118_nf_4
 +  * alphaS(mZ) = 0.118
 +  * Events ​    = 400M (Weighted)
 + 5F Scheme Set Up: (Both MEPS@LO and MEPS@NLO)
 +  * PDF_Set ​     = NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0118
 +  * alphaS(mZ) ​  = 0.118
 +  * QCUT merging = 10.0 GeV
 +  * Events ​      = 200M (LO) ~ 1B (NLO) (Weighted)
 + ​Preliminary Plots (may still change):
 +  * ATLAS: https://​​~dnapoletano/​Lh_proceedings_Vbb/​Zbb/​ATLAS_2014_I1306294/​index.html
 +  * CMS  : https://​​~dnapoletano/​Lh_proceedings_Vbb/​Zbb/​CMS_TEST/​index.html
 === Powheg (Gionata, Carlo) ===  === Powheg (Gionata, Carlo) === 
-  * W+bb only (?)+  * W+bb and W+bb+j 
 + 4F scheme set up + matching with alphas and PDF with 5 flavours 
 +  * b-Mass ​    = 4.75 GeV 
 +  * Z-Mass ​    = 91.1876 GeV 
 +  * W-Width ​   = 2.1054 GeV 
 +  * CKM 
 +     - Vud=0.97428 
 +     - Vus=0.2253 
 +     - Vub=0.00347 
 +     - Vcd=0.2252 
 +     - Vcs=0.97345 
 +     - Vcb=0.0410 
 +     - Vtd=0.00862 
 +     - Vts=0.0403 
 +     - Vtb=0.999152 
 +  * PDF_Set ​ = MSTW2008  ​(21100 in the LHE numbering scheme)
-=== Herwig (Christian) ===+  * Results for W+bb+j:  
 +     * {{:​2015:​groups:​tools:​powheg-wbbj-d01-x01-y01.pdf|}} 
 +     * {{:​2015:​groups:​tools:​powheg-wbbj-d02-x01-y01.pdf|}} 
 +     * {{:​2015:​groups:​tools:​powheg-wbbj-d02-x02-y01.pdf|}} 
 +=== Herwig (Graeme, ​Christian) ===
   * Z+bb   * Z+bb
   * W+bb(?​) ​   * W+bb(?​) ​
 +==== github instructions ====
 +To setup your local repository
 +  - go to and get an account
 +  - log in, go to https://​​vciulli/​leshouches_vbb
 +  - In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork
 +  - open a shell where git is available
 +  - clone the repository with the command: git clone​your_git_username/​leshouches_vbb.git
 +  - enjoy
 +To start contributing
 +  - modify/add a file
 +  - add file(s) to local repository: git add filename.bla
 +  - commit file(s) to local repository: git commit -m "​commit messate"​ filename.bla
 +  - "​push"​ modifications to your remote (i.e. github) repository : git push
 +  - inform Vitaliano to include your modifications to the main repositiry
 +To synch your repository with the main repository
 +  - git pull https://​​vciulli/​leshouches_vbb master
2015/groups/tools/vbb.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/17 19:19 by christian.reuschle