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2015:groups:topicsignup:reweight [2015/06/04 17:25]
massimiliano.grazzini [reweighting: how wrong is it?]
2015:groups:topicsignup:reweight [2015/07/14 08:24] (current)
philippe.gras Added instructions for CERN account
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 ====== Higgs pt: reweighting,​ uncertainties... ====== ====== Higgs pt: reweighting,​ uncertainties... ======
-  *If interestedplease ​place your name and email address here+//If you are interested ​in contributing ​please ​subscribe to the [[https://​​e-groups/​​searchValue=houches-2015-topics-higgs-hpt|mailing list]]. You will be asked to log in with your CERN account. If you don't have a CERN account, please fill [[https://​​account/​Externals/​RegisterAccount.aspx|this form]] to create a lightweight account.//
2015/groups/topicsignup/reweight.1433431536.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/06/04 17:25 by massimiliano.grazzini