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2017:groups:higgs:fxsnp [2017/06/22 10:20]
2017:groups:higgs:fxsnp [2017/06/26 19:17] (current)
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 ===== Using Higgs fiducial cross sections and differential distributions to constrain new physics ===== ===== Using Higgs fiducial cross sections and differential distributions to constrain new physics =====
-Interested people: Kentarou, Sabine, Benj, Stefania, Stefan, Jérémie, Ursula, Kristin, Fabio... **add your name if interested**+Interested people: Kentarou, Sabine, Benj, Stefania, Stefan, Jérémie, Ursula, Kristin, Fabio, Andy **add your name if interested**
 The use of signal strength measurements (kappa framework, reduced couplings...) for constraining deviations from the SM is well established,​ and public tools (HiggsSignals,​ Lilith) exist for performing fits to the data. Two limitations of the signal strength approach are that it assumes ​ The use of signal strength measurements (kappa framework, reduced couplings...) for constraining deviations from the SM is well established,​ and public tools (HiggsSignals,​ Lilith) exist for performing fits to the data. Two limitations of the signal strength approach are that it assumes ​
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 If new operators and/or new Higgs production modes are present, this can change the kinematic distributions and thus the signal acceptance. This can be tested with fiducial cross sections, [[https://​​wiki/​2017:​groups:​higgs:​stxs | STXS]], differential distributions. However, appropriate tools and explicit studies using the available measurements are still missing. ​ If new operators and/or new Higgs production modes are present, this can change the kinematic distributions and thus the signal acceptance. This can be tested with fiducial cross sections, [[https://​​wiki/​2017:​groups:​higgs:​stxs | STXS]], differential distributions. However, appropriate tools and explicit studies using the available measurements are still missing. ​
-Rivet routines are available for the ATLAS diphoton ​(and 4l ?) measurements at 8 TeV. These could be used to constrain additional Higgs production from e.g.+Rivet routines are available for the ATLAS diphoton and 4l measurements at 8 TeV. These could be used to constrain additional Higgs production from e.g.
   * A -> Zh   * A -> Zh
   * VLQ decays to Higgs   * VLQ decays to Higgs
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 One interesting point would be to identify what can be done with and without this. Checking how constraints vary. One interesting point would be to identify what can be done with and without this. Checking how constraints vary.
 +See also this [[https://​​event/​525142/​contributions/​2173709/​attachments/​1292787/​1926290/​Talk_PDF.pdf|talk by F. Bernlocher]] on HFXS at Reinterpretation Forum meeting June 2016.
 === ATLAS and CMS results === === ATLAS and CMS results ===
 | ^ gamma-gamma ^ ZZ*->4l ^ WW*->​2l2nu ^ | ^ gamma-gamma ^ ZZ*->4l ^ WW*->​2l2nu ^
-^ 8 TeV | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​HIGG-2013-10/​|ATLAS-HIGG-2013-10]] ​ | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​HIGG-2013-22/​|ATLAS-HIGG-2013-22]] |  +^ 8 TeV | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​HIGG-2013-10/​|ATLAS-HIGG-2013-10]] ​ | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​HIGG-2013-22/​|ATLAS-HIGG-2013-22]] | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​HIGG-2015-04/​|HIGG-2015-04]] ​
-| | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​publications/​HIG-14-016/​index.html|CMS-HIG-14-016]] | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​CMS-HIG-14-028/​index.html|CMS-HIG-14-028]] |  +| | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​publications/​HIG-14-016/​index.html|CMS-HIG-14-016]] | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​publications/​CMS-HIG-14-028/​index.html|CMS-HIG-14-028]] | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​publications/​CMS-HIG-15-010/​index.html|CMS-HIG-15-010]] ​
 ^ 13 TeV | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​CONFNOTES/​ATLAS-CONF-2016-067/​|ATLAS-CONF-2016-067]] | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​CONFNOTES/​ATLAS-CONF-2017-032|ATLAS-CONF-2017-032]] |  |  ^ 13 TeV | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​CONFNOTES/​ATLAS-CONF-2016-067/​|ATLAS-CONF-2016-067]] | [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​CONFNOTES/​ATLAS-CONF-2017-032|ATLAS-CONF-2017-032]] |  | 
 | | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​HIG-17-015/​index.html|CMS-HIG-17-015]] | |  | | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​HIG-17-015/​index.html|CMS-HIG-17-015]] | | 
-See also this [[https://​​event/​525142/​contributions/​2173709/​attachments/​1292787/​1926290/​Talk_PDF.pdf|talk by F. Bernlocher]] on HFXS at Reinterpretation Forum meeting June 2016. 
 === Concrete project proposals === === Concrete project proposals ===
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   * Benjamin and Fabio want to produce [[2017:​groups:​higgs:​fxsnp:​ufo|UFO file]] for 'weird Higgs production'​ modes   * Benjamin and Fabio want to produce [[2017:​groups:​higgs:​fxsnp:​ufo|UFO file]] for 'weird Higgs production'​ modes
-  * Ursula is looking at Higgs production from sbottom decays. First results here.+  * Ursula is looking at Higgs production from sbottom decays, see [[2017:​groups:​higgs:​fxsnp:​susycascades|first ​results here]].
2017/groups/higgs/fxsnp.1498119649.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/22 10:20 by sabine.kraml