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2017:groups:higgs:fxsnp [2017/06/26 19:16]
2017:groups:higgs:fxsnp [2017/06/26 19:17] (current)
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 One interesting point would be to identify what can be done with and without this. Checking how constraints vary. One interesting point would be to identify what can be done with and without this. Checking how constraints vary.
 +See also this [[https://​​event/​525142/​contributions/​2173709/​attachments/​1292787/​1926290/​Talk_PDF.pdf|talk by F. Bernlocher]] on HFXS at Reinterpretation Forum meeting June 2016.
 === ATLAS and CMS results === === ATLAS and CMS results ===
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 | | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​HIG-17-015/​index.html|CMS-HIG-17-015]] | |  | | [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​HIG-17-015/​index.html|CMS-HIG-17-015]] | | 
-See also this [[https://​​event/​525142/​contributions/​2173709/​attachments/​1292787/​1926290/​Talk_PDF.pdf|talk by F. Bernlocher]] on HFXS at Reinterpretation Forum meeting June 2016. 
 === Concrete project proposals === === Concrete project proposals ===
2017/groups/higgs/fxsnp.1498497390.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/26 19:16 by sabine.kraml