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2017:groups:higgs:powhegpt [2017/07/19 08:33]
2017:groups:higgs:powhegpt [2017/11/20 12:18] (current)
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    * Can one identify classes of observables where the effect is more prominent than in others?    * Can one identify classes of observables where the effect is more prominent than in others?
    * Is the effect specific to Pythia8, or is it observed also with Pythia6?    * Is the effect specific to Pythia8, or is it observed also with Pythia6?
 +     Here are example plots {{2017:​working_groups:​sm:​nlo_swr_hdamp_pthh_full_py6.pdf| hdamp=250}},​{{2017:​working_groups:​sm:​nlo_swr_pthh_full_py6.pdf| hdamp=infty}} from gg to HH which suggest that the effect is more pronounced with Pythia8 than with Pythia6. The plots are also in version 2 (journal version) of [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1703.09252|arXiv:​1703.09252]].
    * Is the effect specific to POWHEG?    * Is the effect specific to POWHEG?
    * In [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1510.08850|arXiv:​1510.08850]],​ it was proposed to restrict the shower scale in the remnant events: is this legitimate for all observables?​    * In [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1510.08850|arXiv:​1510.08850]],​ it was proposed to restrict the shower scale in the remnant events: is this legitimate for all observables?​
2017/groups/higgs/powhegpt.1500446030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/19 08:33 by robert.harlander