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2017:groups:np:exoticnaturalness [2017/06/18 17:32]
matthew.mccullough created
2017:groups:np:exoticnaturalness [2017/06/19 15:35] (current)
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 Useful material for exotic naturalness signatures. Useful material for exotic naturalness signatures.
 +Twin Higgs and Folded SUSY:  Displaced signatures arising from long-lived hidden glueballs. ​ See https://​​abs/​1509.04284 and references therein.
 +Relaxion references:
 +    * https://​​abs/​1504.07551 : the original proposal. ​ They show that a viable model has these new vector like leptons with their own non-Abelian force that could lead to interesting dark shower like signatures.
 +    * Relaxion with lower cutoff:  ​
 +    * ALPy signatures with Higgs mixing: ​ https://​​abs/​1610.02025
 +Nnaturalness:  ​
 +    * Original paper: ​ https://​​abs/​1607.06821
 +    * Reference exploring signature of accessing more and more sectors as a function of cuts, which may be applicable to Nnaturalness: ​ https://​​abs/​1706.05008
2017/groups/np/exoticnaturalness.1497799978.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/18 17:32 by matthew.mccullough