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2017:groups:np:llpsm [2017/06/21 14:27]
2017:groups:np:llpsm [2017/07/25 15:54]
nishita.desai [Task List]
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-====== Simplified models for long-lived particles ======+====== ​Recasting and Simplified models for long-lived particles ======
-People interested: Nishita Desai, Stefania Gori, Andreas Goudelis, Sabine Kraml, Andre Lessa, Matthew McCullough, Dipan Sengupta, Benjamin Fuks, Eric Conte, Amit Chakraborty,​ Abhishek Iyer, Daniele Barducci, José Zurita, Jose Miguel No, Biplob Bhattacherjee,​ Shankha Banerjee, Haiying Cai, Sezen Sekmen, Gabriel Facini+People interested: Nishita Desai, Stefania Gori, Andreas Goudelis, Sabine Kraml, Andre Lessa, Matthew McCullough, Dipan Sengupta, Benjamin Fuks, Eric Conte, Amit Chakraborty,​ Abhishek Iyer, Daniele Barducci, José Zurita, Jose Miguel No, Biplob Bhattacherjee,​ Shankha Banerjee, Haiying Cai, Sezen Sekmen, Gabriel Facini, Andy Buckley
 Discussions: ​ Discussions: ​
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   * Track efficiency for reconstructing displaced vertices?   * Track efficiency for reconstructing displaced vertices?
   * Simplified recasting? Efficiencies as a function of (few) relevant kinematical variables   * Simplified recasting? Efficiencies as a function of (few) relevant kinematical variables
 +  * How to estimate trigger efficiency for signal different from benchmark (a.k.a. are we throwing away the signal before starting?)
 +===== Task List ===== 
 +^  ** Search ** | ** People ** | 
 +^ Heavy Charged particles | Shankha Banerjee, Biplob Bhattacherjee,​ Abhishek Iyer, Dipan Sengupta | 
 +^ Disappearing tracks | José Zurita | 
 +^ Displaced vertices | Andre Lessa, Jan Heisig | 
 +^ Displaced leptons / jets | Amit Chakraborty,​ Nishita Desai, Andre Lessa | 
 +^ R-hadrons | Jan Heisig (?) | 
 +==== References ​====
   * **Simplified Models for Exotic BSM Searches**. Jan Heisig, Andre Lessa, Loic Quertenmont,​ [[https://​​abs/​1509.00473]]   * **Simplified Models for Exotic BSM Searches**. Jan Heisig, Andre Lessa, Loic Quertenmont,​ [[https://​​abs/​1509.00473]]
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 ^ CMS | 7 & 8 TeV | Tracks | Searches for Long-lived Charged Particles [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​EXO-12-026/​index.html]] | ^ CMS | 7 & 8 TeV | Tracks | Searches for Long-lived Charged Particles [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​EXO-12-026/​index.html]] |
 ^ CMS | 8 TeV | Disp. jets | Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying to dijets [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​EXO-12-038/​index.html]] | ^ CMS | 8 TeV | Disp. jets | Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying to dijets [[http://​​cms-results/​public-results/​preliminary-results/​EXO-12-038/​index.html]] |
-^ LHCb| 8 TeV | Disp. jets | Updated search for long-lived particles decaying to jet pairs [[https://​​lhcbproject/​Publications/​LHCbProjectPublic/​LHCb-PAPER-2016-065.html ]] | +^ LHCb| 8 TeV | Disp. jets | Updated search for long-lived particles decaying to jet pairs [[https://​​lhcbproject/​Publications/​LHCbProjectPublic/​LHCb-PAPER-2016-065.html ​]]; see also thesis: [[http://​​pub/​services/​biblio/​theses_pdf/​thesis_P_N_David.pdf]] | 
-^ LHCb | 7 & 8 TeV | |Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically in the LHCb detector [[ https://​​lhcbproject/​Publications/​LHCbProjectPublic/​LHCb-PAPER-2016-065.html ]] |+^ LHCb | 7 & 8 TeV | |Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically in the LHCb detector [[ https://​​lhcbproject/​Publications/​LHCbProjectPublic/​LHCb-PAPER-2016-047.html ]] |
 ===== Simplified models definitions ===== ===== Simplified models definitions =====
 Ideas for simplified models and analysis: Ideas for simplified models and analysis:
   * Displaced tops:  SUSY models with stop NLSP, simplified models (emerged from discussion as most interesting candidate model). See [[disptop|here]],​   * Displaced tops:  SUSY models with stop NLSP, simplified models (emerged from discussion as most interesting candidate model). See [[disptop|here]],​
   * Disappearing R-hadrons: ​ SUSY models with coloured NLSP and small mass splittings (probably not the most interesting scenario to explore for now).   * Disappearing R-hadrons: ​ SUSY models with coloured NLSP and small mass splittings (probably not the most interesting scenario to explore for now).
2017/groups/np/llpsm.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/31 10:33 by giovanna.cottin