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2017:groups:tools:resonance_aware [2017/06/11 14:42]
2017:groups:tools:resonance_aware [2017/06/15 14:02] (current)
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 ===== Resonance-aware NLO+PS sub working group ===== ===== Resonance-aware NLO+PS sub working group =====
-** interested people:** Emanuele, Luca, Ben, Efe, Tomas Jezo, Markus Seidel, Alexander Grohsjean, ADD YOUR NAME HERE+** interested people:** Emanuele, Luca, Ben, Efe, Tomas Jezo, Markus Seidel, Alexander Grohsjean, Ludovic Scyboz, Philippe G., ADD YOUR NAME HERE
 A discussion is scheduled for Monday morning. A discussion is scheduled for Monday morning.
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      * comparison powheg vs mc@nlo (any news from herwig, or sherpa?)      * comparison powheg vs mc@nlo (any news from herwig, or sherpa?)
 +**Discussion on Monday:**
 +overview: {{:​2017:​2017_06_12.pdf |slides }}
 +ATLAS perspective:​ {{:​2017:​leshouches_atlas_powhegwwbbnlo.pdf | slides}}
 +technicalities (bb4l generator):
 +   * make sure that numerical accuracy reached in event generation from MC is the same as in TH-paper
 +       * possible to have grids from the authors (seems to be a viable solution, as atlas and cms will agree - or already agreed - on the settings)
 +       * if grids will be provided, need to agree on parameters to scan upon. It seems that order 20 runs will  be enough (a scan would mostly be done using 5-10 values for mtop, and 2-3 values for hdamp)
 +       * It might even be possible to use the powheg reweighting machinery to avoid having to re-run all the grids. This might depend on how far mtop is moved from the central value. T. Jezo and collaborators have tried this. Perhaps it'd be useful to perform a closure-test,​ but using the outermost mtop values that atlas/cms would use.
 +       * this reweighting would miss the mtop dependence in R/B. There exists an experimental facility in powheg, to capture these effects via a reweighting,​ but it was implemented only for DY, and rarely used. Not clear it would work here.
 +[ER: to be continued]
2017/groups/tools/resonance_aware.1497184939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/11 14:42 by