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2017:groups:tools:vbs [2017/06/11 22:21]
2017:groups:tools:vbs [2017/06/13 17:29]
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 ===== Dibosons VBS production ===== ===== Dibosons VBS production =====
-**Interested people**: Vitaliano, Kenneth, Efe, Simon, ...ADD YOUR NAME HERE...+**Interested people**: Vitaliano, Kenneth, Efe, Simon, ​Carlo, Reina Camacho, Mathieu, Marco...ADD YOUR NAME HERE...
 A discussion is scheduled on Monday afternoon. A discussion is scheduled on Monday afternoon.
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    * Simon will discuss possible studies to be done as a Les Houches project    * Simon will discuss possible studies to be done as a Les Houches project
-Aims:  +Proposed study:  
-   ​* ​review available MC tools  +   ​* ​assess off-shell ​and interference effects at LO (without PS) for different value of \Delta\eta_jj and m_jj cut  
-   * discuss QCD and EW NLO corrections ​ +   * define ​"signal" (VBS topology) vs "background" (QCD-like topology) based on the results of the above study 
-   * define signal ​and background ​processes both in the signal ​and control ​regions, where VBS cuts are relaxed and interference effects become large +   * from the above also assess to which precision VBS-like approximation for NLO calculation is reliable (the same effects are those neglected ​in this approximation)  
-   ​* ​... +   * study if by taking ​the ratio of xsec for "signal" to "​background" ​regions ​some theory uncertainties on QCD VVjj production cancel out 
 +   ​* ​[(maybe) check the effect of VBS WW as background to H->WW]
 +Processes to be studied:
 +   * pp -> jj W⁺Z:
 +   48 processes and 976 diagrams
 +   * pp -> jj W⁺W⁻:
 +   76 processes and 1432 diagrams
 +So pp -> jj W⁺Z will be studied first and if enough time, pp -> jj W⁺W⁻ afterwards.
 +--> pp -> jj \mu⁺ \mu⁻ e⁺ \nu_e
 +with p = u u~ d d~ c c~ s s~
 +with j = u u~ d d~ c c~ s s~
2017/groups/tools/vbs.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/03 11:04 by mathieu.pellen