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2017:topics [2017/06/15 09:31]
2017:topics [2017/06/15 15:31] (current)
peter.richardson session 2 discussion session
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 ====== ​ Topics for Consideration ====== ====== ​ Topics for Consideration ======
 //(Editing this page requires special privileges: Conveners, managers)// ​ //(Editing this page requires special privileges: Conveners, managers)// ​
 **__List of brainstorming session June 6__** **__List of brainstorming session June 6__**
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   * LO vs NLO, MC uncertainties,​ connection to VBF   * LO vs NLO, MC uncertainties,​ connection to VBF
 +**__List of brainstorming session June 15__**
 +=== Recasting ===
 +  * Long-Lived Particles
 +  * How to use Correlation information
 +  * Fastsim vs smearing?
 +  * Simplified Likelyhood framework
 +  * Long-Lived Particles
 +  * Making analysis easier to recast?
 +  * Analysis description accord
 +=== Long-Lived Particles ===
 +   * Simplified Models
 +   * Zoology
 +   * Displaced vertices and baryogensis
 +   * Displaced tracks
 +=== Higgs ===
 +   * Multiplet structure, LHC e+e-, gravitational waves
 +   * ggH at high pT 
 +   * Couplings
 +   * Interference
 +   * Long Lived particles from Higgs
 +   * Light (< 100 GeV) Scalars ​ (Higgs)
 +     * new variables
 +   * Data interpretation
 +   * BSM Higgs new signals, exotic decays
 +   * EFT
 +   * Di-Higgs ​
 +   * BSM Impact
 +   * EW phase-transition,​ baryogenesis ​
 +   * Couplings to light fermions
 +=== Dark Matter ===   
 +   * New Models/​Portals and LHC signatures
 +   * heavy flavour signatures
 +   * New searches ​
 +   * "​Dark"​ parton showers
 +=== SUSY ===
 +   * Low MET
 +   * RPV
 +   * High multiplicity
 +===  Lepton non-universality ===
 +  * Leptoquarks
 +  * other?
 +  * SM explanations
 +  * Links to DM and g-2
 +=== Other ===
 +   * Vector-like quarks missing signatures
 +   * Missing resonance signals
 +   * Radion production @LHC
 +   * New models in MC?
 +   * Clockwork
 +   * Naturalness
 +       * Neutral Naturalness
 +   * EFT
 +       * NLO Tools
 +   * Strong Dynamics
 +       * Composite Higgs
 +   * BSM in top quark physics
 +   * LHC and flavour in New Physics  ​
 +   * CP violation ​
 +   * Light particles
 +   * Beyond 14 TeV
 +      * New pheno
 **__Preliminary lists (before start of the workshop)__** **__Preliminary lists (before start of the workshop)__**
2017/topics.1497511891.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/15 09:31 by luca.perrozzi