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2019:groups:higgs:hhmet [2019/06/22 17:59]
2019:groups:higgs:hhmet [2019/06/22 18:01] (current)
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 Responsible:​ Jose Zurita Responsible:​ Jose Zurita
-Idea: simplified models for the hh + MET signature (with hh->4b) were put forward in this paper [[hola https://​​pdf/​1901.07558.pdf]] ​+Idea: simplified models for the hh + MET signature (with hh->4b) were put forward in this paper [[ https://​​pdf/​1901.07558.pdf]]. Possible projects include studying other final states (e.g: bb + tau tau + MET, bbWW+MET, etc) and also embedding the simplified models in a larger picture including constraints coming from relic density, direct detection and indirect detection.
-Participants:​ ..+Participants: ​If anyone is interested, please contact at [[]] 
2019/groups/higgs/hhmet.1561219152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/22 17:59 by jose.zurita