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2019:groups:higgs:stxs [2019/06/12 11:31]
michael.duehrssen [Define and test binning options for ttH (and tH) production]
2019:groups:higgs:stxs [2019/06/24 18:36] (current)
Line 21: Line 21:
   * Frank Tackmann   * Frank Tackmann
-  * Johannes Michel+  * Johannes Michel ​{{ :​2019:​groups:​higgs:​H1jet_jet_bin_efficiencies_johannes_michel.pdf |}}
   * Valerio Dao   * Valerio Dao
   * Xuan Chen   * Xuan Chen
 +  * [Htautau] Carlo Pandini, Antonio De Maria (remotely) {{ :​2019:​groups:​higgs:​stxshtau.pdf |}}
 ===== Define and test CP-sensitive binning options for VBF===== ===== Define and test CP-sensitive binning options for VBF=====
Line 32: Line 33:
   * Paolo Francavilla   * Paolo Francavilla
 +  * Yacine Haddad
 +===== EW corrections in STXS bins =====
 +TODO: to be filled in
 +**Interested Participants**
 +  * Valerio Dao 
   * Yacine Haddad   * Yacine Haddad
2019/groups/higgs/stxs.1560331913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/12 11:31 by michael.duehrssen