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2019:groups:tools:searchmeas [2019/06/25 10:02]
2019:groups:tools:searchmeas [2019/06/25 10:32]
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 ====== Search/​measurement compatibility and complementarity ====== ====== Search/​measurement compatibility and complementarity ======
-//Members: Andy B, Ben F, **Jon B**, David Y, Anders K, Kar, D, Sanmay Ganguly, M. van Beekveld, Are R., Juhi Dutta, Tomas G //+//Members: Andy B, Ben F, **Jon B**, David Y, Anders K, Kar, D, Sanmay Ganguly, M. van Beekveld, Are R., Juhi Dutta, Tomas G, Priscilla P // 
 +General idea is to look at how the sensitivity of measurements compares to that of searches. Are they compatible where they overlap? Are there regions of complementarity?​ 
 +=== Contur tutorial / hacking into on Sat morning === 
 +[[https://​​|Contur hepforge pages]] 
 +Slides: {{ :​2019:​groups:​tools:​contur.pptx |}} 
 +=== Testing complementarity on Gambit EWino best point(s) and a compressed non-excluded point === 
 +Anders and Tomasz supplied SLHA files below. 
 +=== Compressed stop and compressed electroweakino === 
 +The hepmc data  available (M. van Beekveld) see below. 
 +=== Four tops === 
 +(Ben F to supply SLHA+UFO) ​
-  * Testing complementarity on Gambit EWino best point(s) and a compressed non-excluded point (Anders to supply SLHA files) 
-      * The hepmc data for compressed stop and compressed electroweakino is available (M. van Beekveld) 
-  * Four top (Ben F to supply SLHA+UFO) 
-NB. Contur tutorial / hacking into on Sat (morning?): [[https://​​|Contur hepforge pages]] 
2019/groups/tools/searchmeas.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/27 15:27 by jonathan.butterworth