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2021:topics [2021/01/15 17:24]
2021:topics [2021/01/27 10:59] made MC a main item
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 ===== Preliminary list of topics for 2021 ====== ===== Preliminary list of topics for 2021 ======
 //​(accessible to everyone, editing rights to conveners and organizers)//​ //​(accessible to everyone, editing rights to conveners and organizers)//​
 +==== Session 1 ====
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   * Probing the latest MC generators (PB algorithm, PANScales, Deductor...) with jet substructure   * Probing the latest MC generators (PB algorithm, PANScales, Deductor...) with jet substructure
       * Finite N_C, beyond LL, ...       * Finite N_C, beyond LL, ...
 +**__Techniques and calculations for SM phenomenology:​__**
 +` *  Calculations: ​
 +    * expected precision for fundamental Standard Model processes at 14 and 100 TeV; what calculations are needed to match this precision?
 +    * 2->3 at NNLO; status/​challenges/​prospects
 +    * theory uncertainties;​ more rigorous estimates? correlations?​
 +    * theoretically sound definition of FONLL at the differential level, beyond incl. cross sections?
 +  * PDFs: 
 +    * followup on PDF4LHC15 benchmarking exercise; better understanding of tolerances, tensions
 +    * EW corrections/​EW PDFs; how to provide consistent calculations
 +    * small x resummation;​ what is HERA trying to tell us? 
 +    * EIC; what will EIC tell us? how do we prepare for that?
 +  * Higgs: ​
 +    * understanding the SM for high Higgs pT; role of top mass corrections/​scheme (MSbar vs on-shell); improving channel sensitivities
 +    * polarisation measurements (for diboson/VBS as well)
 +  * Top: 
 +    * MSbar vs on-shell
 +    * ttW; tension; can new calculations resolve it? 
 +  * Jets: 
 +    * flavor tagging of jets; matching what theorists can predict (IR safety) and what experimentalists can measure
 +**__Monte Carlo:__**
 +    * Non-perturbative uncertainties
 +      * common hadronisation interface and variations
 +      * theoretical understanding
 +      * differences in tuned comparisons
 +      * pheno impact for certain classes of processes (e.g. VBF/VBS)
 +    * Shower accuracy studies
 +      * comparing different schemes on higher orders, evaluate phenomenological impact
 +      * Subleading colour and interplay with colour reconnection
 +      * New sampling methods and algorithms versus machine learning techniques
 +      * Accuracy of merging resummed calculation versus ME+PS paradigms
 +    * Photon physics, modelling of fragmentation
 +    * Heavy flavour matching
 +      * review of existing measurements
 +      * Connecting precision calculation,​ fragmentation and decays
 +      * partons at 100 TeV
 +    * Common LHC event bazaar
 +    * Status and needs for electroweak corrections and radiation in shower algorithms
 +    * Machine learning and adaptive Monte Carlo methods
 +==== Session 2 ====
2021/topics.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/02/09 10:56 by fabrizio.caola