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2023:​groups:bsmtools:mlreinterpretation [2023/06/26 16:20]
2023:​groups:bsmtools:mlreinterpretation [2023/06/28 14:47] (current)
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 ====== ML reinterpretation ====== ====== ML reinterpretation ======
 +==== 26 June ====
 {{:​2023:​​groups:​bsmtools:​mlreint26jun.png?​400|}} {{:​2023:​​groups:​bsmtools:​mlreint26jun.png?​400|}}
-==== Full analysis recasting ====+==== 27 June ==== 
 +===== Full analysis recasting ​=====
 Standards for sharing models: Standards for sharing models:
Line 11: Line 19:
 Analyses that have provided ML models: Analyses that have provided ML models:
-  * ...+  * [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​SUSY-2019-04/​|ATLAS-SUSY-2019-04]] 
 +  * [[https://​​Atlas/​GROUPS/​PHYSICS/​PAPERS/​SUSY-2018-30/​|ATLAS-SUSY-2018-30]] 
 +  * ?
 Discussion during the Dec '22 reinterpretation workshop: [[https://​​event/​1197680/​timetable/?​view=standard#​b-485872-experience-and-feedba|link]]. Discussion during the Dec '22 reinterpretation workshop: [[https://​​event/​1197680/​timetable/?​view=standard#​b-485872-experience-and-feedba|link]].
-==== Surrogate models for object tagging ====+[[https://​​8811915719zfjtnygcdgpv|Overleaf document for writeup]] 
 +===== Surrogate models for object tagging ====
 +Propose to build a surrogate model using the JetClass dataset [1], trying to approximate the output of a state-of-the-art attention based tagger (ParT, [1]) -- which uses low-level inputs including vertex information -- with a network only using high-level kinematics / n-subjettiness. 
 +Hamburg is preparing a simplified dataset (dropping low level features, adding ParT output, restricting to hadronic top vs light quark/​gluon;​  reducing examples/​class to  2M train / class; 500k test/class; 1M  val/​class)
-Paper that introduced jetClass data: [[https://​​abs/​2202.03772 | arXiv:​2202.03772]] 
 +Based on this we can test different surrogate models, Bayesian NN, explicit sampling.
 +[1] Paper that introduced jetClass data: [[https://​​abs/​2202.03772 | arXiv:​2202.03772]]
2023/​groups/bsmtools/mlreinterpretation.1687789237.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/26 16:20 by sezen.sekmen