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2023:groups:smhiggs:ggf-background-vbf:start [2023/06/16 14:45]
2023:groups:smhiggs:ggf-background-vbf:start [2023/06/20 09:42] (current)
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   * Study top mass dependence at [[https://​​abs/​2110.06953|NLO_FTapprox]]   * Study top mass dependence at [[https://​​abs/​2110.06953|NLO_FTapprox]]
   * Compare to impact of [[https://​​event/​118/​contributions/​2401/​attachments/​1273/​1802/​RADCOR23_Jaskiewicz_talk.pdf|HEJ]] (see slide 6)   * Compare to impact of [[https://​​event/​118/​contributions/​2401/​attachments/​1273/​1802/​RADCOR23_Jaskiewicz_talk.pdf|HEJ]] (see slide 6)
 +  * in HH, the effects were more sizeable [https://​​pdf/​1803.02463.pdf];​ can we understand what differs for H+2j?
 +  * A possible simple prescription for Powheg: use LO ratio (exact/HTL) evaluated on Born-projected kinematics as a first approximation.
 == Setup == == Setup ==
Line 21: Line 23:
 Event definition/​selection:​ Event definition/​selection:​
   * jets: anti-kT with $R=0.4$   * jets: anti-kT with $R=0.4$
-  * $p_{\mathrm{T},​j} > 30\,​\mathrm{GeV}$ ​ ''​[only 30 ok? need 20?​]''​ +  * $p_{\mathrm{T},​j} > 30\,​\mathrm{GeV}$ 
-  * $|\eta_j| < 4.7$ ''​[rapidity or pseudo-raidity?​]''​+  * $|\eta_j| < 4.7$
   * $m_{jj} > 300\,​\mathrm{GeV}$   * $m_{jj} > 300\,​\mathrm{GeV}$
-  * $|\Delta y_{jj}| > 2$  ''​[rapidity or pseudo-raidity?​]''​ +  * $|\Delta y_{jj}| > 2$  
-  * ''​[no rapidity selection on Higgs?​]''​+  * no rapidity selection on Higgs
 Histograms and binning: Histograms and binning:
-  * single-differential $m_{jj}$: ​ ''​[300,​500,​700,​900,​1100,​∞]''​ +  * double-differential ​($m_{jj} \times p_\mathrm{T,​H}$):  ''​[300,​ 500, 700, 900, 1100, ∞] × [080120 ,260500, 850, ∞]''​ 
-  * single-differential $\Delta y_{jj}$: ​ ''​[2,4,5,6,7,​∞]''​ +  * double-differential ($m_{jj} \times \Delta\phi_{jj}$):  ''​[300,​ 500, 700, 900, 1100, ∞] × [0, π/4π/23π/4π]''​ 
-  * double-differential ($m_{jj} \times ​p_\mathrm{T,H}$):  ''​[300,​500,​700,​900,​1100,​∞] × [0,80,120,260,500,850,∞]''​ +  * double-differential ($m_{jj} \times \Delta ​y_{jj}$): ​ ''​[300,​ 500, 700, 900, 1100, ∞] × [2, 4, 56, 7, ∞]''​ 
-  * double-differential ($m_{jj} \times \Delta\phi_{jj}$): ​ ''​[300,​500,​700,​900,​1100,​∞] × [0π/4, π/2π]'' ​ ''​[which one? 200 GeV or "with steps of 50 GeV in Mjj"]''​ +  * double-differential ($p_\mathrm{T,H} \times \Delta y_{jj}$): ​ ''​[080120 ,260500, 850, ∞] × [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, ∞]''​
-  * double-differential ($m_{jj} \times \Delta y_{jj}$): ​ ''​[300,500,700,900,1100,∞] × [2-9] (in steps of 0.1?​!)'' ​ ''​[which one? 200 GeV or "with steps of 50 GeV in Mjj"; is there a deltay bin 0-2?]''​+
 +Underlying event tunes in CMS:
-+STSX +  *'​Tune:​preferLHAPDF = 2', 
-+DeltaPhiJJ splitting (0-pi/2 + pi/2-pi) within the mJJ x pTH binning of STXS+  ​*'​Main:​timesAllowErrors = 10000',​ 
 +  *'​Check:​epTolErr = 0.01',​ 
 +  *'​Beams:​setProductionScalesFromLHEF = off',​ 
 +  *'​SLHA:​minMassSM = 1000.',​ 
 +  *'​ParticleDecays:​limitTau0 = on', 
 +  *'​ParticleDecays:​tau0Max = 10', 
 +  *'​ParticleDecays:​allowPhotonRadiation = on',
-Delta Phi jj: 0-pi/4-pi/2-3/4 pi-pi +  *'Tune:pp 14', 
-NBdouble check that the distribution is actually symmetric!!!+  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​ecmPow=0.03344',​ 
 +  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​bProfile=2', 
 +  ​*'​MultipartonInteractions:​pT0Ref=1.41',​ 
 +  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​coreRadius=0.7634',​ 
 +  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​coreFraction=0.63',​ 
 +  *'​ColourReconnection:​range=5.176',​ 
 +  *'​SigmaTotal:​zeroAXB=off',​ 
 +  *'​SpaceShower:​alphaSorder=2',​ 
 +  *'​SpaceShower:​alphaSvalue=0.118',​ 
 +  *'​SigmaProcess:​alphaSvalue=0.118',​ 
 +  *'​SigmaProcess:​alphaSorder=2',​ 
 +  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​alphaSvalue=0.118',​ 
 +  *'​MultipartonInteractions:​alphaSorder=2',​ 
 +  *'​TimeShower:​alphaSorder=2',​ 
 +  *'​TimeShower:​alphaSvalue=0.118',​ 
 +  *'​SigmaTotal:​mode = 0', 
 +  *'​SigmaTotal:​sigmaEl = 22.08',​ 
 +  *'​SigmaTotal:​sigmaTot = 101.037', ​  
 +  *'​PDF:​pSet=LHAPDF6:NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118',​
-Mjj vs Delta y jj: ([300 - 1.1TeV[+[1.1TeV,​\infty]) x (0, 2.0,9.0] with steps of 50 GeV in Mjj and 0.1 in delta yjj. 
-Delta y jj: 2-4-5-6-7-infty 
-pTH vs Delta y jj:​[0,​850,​\infty) x (0, 2.0,9.0] with steps of 10 GeV for pTH and 0.1 in delta yjj, 
-pTH: 0-80-120-260-500-850-infty 
2023/groups/smhiggs/ggf-background-vbf/start.1686919521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/16 14:45 by alexander.huss