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2023:groups:smjets:jets-and-ml:start [2023/06/16 14:41]
2023:groups:smjets:jets-and-ml:start [2024/03/26 13:43] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-Interested people: Loukas, ​...+Interested people: Loukas, ​Huilin, Anna, Roman
 ==== Ideas ====  ==== Ideas ==== 
Line 16: Line 16:
 - Change some parameters of pythia'​s hadronization model. Can a classifier discriminate between those and help tuning  ​ - Change some parameters of pythia'​s hadronization model. Can a classifier discriminate between those and help tuning  ​
 +More in: More in
 ==== Rivet plugin to dump a root tree ====  ==== Rivet plugin to dump a root tree ==== 
Line 38: Line 42:
 Start from example Start from example
 https://​​hepcedar/​rivet/​-/​blob/​release-3-1-x/​analyses/​examples/​ https://​​hepcedar/​rivet/​-/​blob/​release-3-1-x/​analyses/​examples/​
 +First version from Huilin:
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=DIJET:​JET_R=0.4 for q-vs-g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=ZJET:​JET_R=0.4 for q-vs-g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=DIJET:​JET_R=0.8 for W-vs-q/g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=WZ:​JET_R=0.8 for W-vs-q/g
 ==== MC samples ====  ==== MC samples ==== 
Line 45: Line 60:
 Do not need the whole event, but only the particles within the leading jet Do not need the whole event, but only the particles within the leading jet
-W->qq with 300<​pT<​500 +List of samples and generators, see https://​​wiki/​2023:​groups:​smjets:​jss-measurements:​start
- +
-dijets with 300<​pT<​500 +
2023/groups/smjets/jets-and-ml/start.1686919266.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/16 14:41 by andreas.hinzmann