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2023:groups:smjets:jss-measurements:start [2023/06/15 18:49]
2023:groups:smjets:jss-measurements:start [2023/06/18 17:00] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-People interested: Simone, Simon, Andrzej, Matt, Jenifer, Stefan K., Andreas, Maria V. ...+People interested: Simone, Simon, Andrzej, Matt, Jenifer, Stefan K., Andreas, Maria V.,  ​...
 ==== Plan/​Discussion ==== ==== Plan/​Discussion ====
Line 8: Line 8:
   * double-differential w.r.t jet axis, different jet axis definitions?​   * double-differential w.r.t jet axis, different jet axis definitions?​
 +More in
 +==== Rivet plugins to study to explore new observables ====
 Rivet routine growing here: https://​​jroloff/​leshouches2023 Rivet routine growing here: https://​​jroloff/​leshouches2023
-==== List of Rivet plugins ====+ 
 +==== Rivet plugins ​to compare to existing measurements ​====
 https://​​ng8P7AjsRHGUMEKheMibMQ?​view https://​​ng8P7AjsRHGUMEKheMibMQ?​view
Line 67: Line 73:
         pT > 30 GeV         pT > 30 GeV
 +==== Rivet plugin to dump root tree for ML studies ====
 +First version from Huilin:
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=DIJET:​JET_R=0.4 for q-vs-g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=ZJET:​JET_R=0.4 for q-vs-g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=DIJET:​JET_R=0.8 for W-vs-q/g
 +JET_NTUPLE_QG:​MODE=WZ:​JET_R=0.8 for W-vs-q/g
 +==== Samples ====
 +dijets with pT>50 (for comparison with angularities measurement,​ q-vs-g-ML studies)
 +Z(mumu)+jet with pT>50 (for comparison with angularities measurement, ​ q-vs-g-ML studies)
 +dijets with pT>​550 ​ (for comparison with Lund plane measurement,​ W-vs-q/g-ML studies)
 +Z(nunu)W(qq) with pT>550 (for W-vs-q/g-ML studies)
 +(also used for https://​​wiki/​2023:​groups:​smjets:​jets-and-ml:​start)
 ==== Generator setups ==== ==== Generator setups ====
-dijets ​NLO with pT>50+Sherpa ​NLO + angle/​dipole,​cluster/​string (Daniel)  
 +Example files: https://​​~dreichelt/​LesHouches/​ 
 +Herwig LO + NLO + angle/​dipole,​cluster/​string (Andrzej, Stefan K)
-Z+jet NLO with pT>50+Powheg+Pythia ​NLO (Maria)
2023/groups/smjets/jss-measurements/start.1686847748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/15 18:49 by mariavittoria.garzelli