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2023:topics [2023/06/21 11:13]
gregor.kasieczka [Session 2]
2023:topics [2023/06/22 16:06] (current)
gregor.kasieczka [Session 2]
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 **__Machine Learning and Tools:__** **__Machine Learning and Tools:__**
-   ​* ​Model Agnostic Searches +   ​* ​**Reinterpretation**:​ Tools like Rivet, Gambit, .., ML for reinterpretation,​ reinterpretation of model agnostic searches 
-   ​* ​Likelihood Learning +   ​* ​**EFTs**: Fits, PDF inclusion, SMEFT progress ... 
-   ​* ​SMEFT progresses+   ​* ​**Physics & ML**: Injection of physics priors into classification and generative models; interpretable ML techniques; ML for optimal sensitivity for BSM searches and optimal observables and likelihood learning, opening the black box 
 +   * **Anomalies**:​ A unified view of different anomaly detection techniques,​.pushing the boundaries of anomaly detection 
 +**__Low-energy precision probes of BSM:__** 
 +   * New Electric Dipole Moment searches? 
 +   * Parity violation in new systems? 
 +   * Exotic atoms/ions to test exotic forces 
 +       * muonic atoms 
 +       * antiprotonic atoms 
 +       * highly charged ions 
 +       * Rydberg states
2023/topics.1687338812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/21 11:13 by gregor.kasieczka