function mT ### transverse mass arg1 tlorentzvector # visible particle arg2 tlorentzvector # missing energy vector arg3 float # mass return float # transverse mass code doc function amT2 ### asymmetric stransverse mass arg1 tlorentzvector # visible particle arg2 tlorentzvector # missing energy vector arg3 float # mass return float # asymmetric stransverse mass code doc function mT2tau ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate arg1 detectorobj # a single electron, muon or photon arg2 string # "calo", "tracks", "eflow" arg3 float # dR cone to be probed arg4 ptmin # minpt of objects to be counted arg5 bool # divide by candidate's pt? return float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects code doc function mHadTop ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate arg1 detectorobj # a single electron, muon or photon arg2 string # "calo", "tracks", "eflow" arg3 float # dR cone to be probed arg4 ptmin # minpt of objects to be counted arg5 bool # divide by candidate's pt? return float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects code doc function HTMissSig ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate arg1 detectorobj # a single electron, muon or photon arg2 string # "calo", "tracks", "eflow" arg3 float # dR cone to be probed arg4 ptmin # minpt of objects to be counted arg5 bool # divide by candidate's pt? return float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects code doc function HT ### Sums up the scalar pt of the leading n objects in the given list arg1 detectorobj-list # a list of objects arg2 integer # the leading n objects of the list should be counted return float # scalarHT function isBJet ### Checks if a given jet is tagged w.r.t to the given working point efficiency arg1 detectorobj # a single jet which contains btag information arg2 float # the working point signal efficiency within [0, 1] return bool # 'true' if tagged, else false code doc function isTauJet ### Checks if a given jet is tagged w.r.t to the given working point efficiency arg1 detectorobj # a single jet which contains btag information arg2 string # the working point, "loose", "medium", "tight" return bool # 'true' if tagged, else false code doc function isIdentifiedElec ### Checks if a given electron is tagged w.r.t a given ID arg1 detectorobj # a single electron which contains rec+id information arg2 string # the working point, "loose", "medium", "tight" return bool # 'true' if tagged, else false code doc function isIdentifiedMu ### Checks if a given muon is tagged w.r.t a given ID arg1 detectorobj # a single muon which contains rec+id information arg2 string # the working point, "combined" return bool # 'true' if tagged, else false code doc function isIsolated ### Checks surroundings of an object arg1 detectorobj # electron, muon, photon arg2 string # isolation test, "tracks", "calo", "eflow" arg3 float # dR to object to count for isolation arg4 float # ptmin of object to count for isolation arg5 bool # if true, sum(pt) is divided by pt(cand) arg6 float # maximum allowed value of sum(pt) or sum(pt)/pt(cand) return bool # 'true' if sum(pt) < maxval, else false code doc function overlaps ### Checks if the candidate overlaps with any object of the list provided arg1 detectorobj # to be tested candidate arg2 detectorobj-list # to be tested potential neighbours arg3 float # dR cone to be probed return bool # true if any of the neighbours is closer than dR to the candidate code doc