====== SM: Loops, Multi-legs, Jets ====== ===== List of Topics ===== 1) **PDFs** a) impact of LHC data, current and future * -how well do we know PDFs at high x->implications for new physics * -how Gaussian are high x PDF uncertainties, i.e. what would it take to believe a high mass excess b) impact of/need for an LHeC c) combination of PDF sets d) impact of NNLO jet calculations 2) **(N)NLO QCD + (N)NLO EWK** a) wishlist of calculations-> review of what current exists->input: what do the experiments really want? b) study of the 'Sudakov Zone', ~1 TeV where EWK corrections may be comparable to QCD corrections c) PDFs with QED corrections, photon PDFs, gamma-gamma processes d) press ahead with the tuned comparison of precision calculations for Drell-Yan processes carried out in the framework of the LPCC EW Group e) prescriptions for combining QCD and EW corrections The Wishlist page is [[2013:groups:sm:nnlowishlist|here]] 3) **Binoth Les Houches Accord (BLHA)** An update on this is in the make, see [[2013:groups:sm:blha|the BLHA page]] 4) **Top Decays** a) handling top decays in processes like tTH, tTbB and tTjj **[[2013:groups:sm:cutsobservables|Cuts and Observables]]** ==== Plans for the upcoming Les Houches Report ==== === EW corrections - theoretical guidelines and experimental issues === == Theoretical guidelines: == * EW input parameter schemes \\ which to use in which process / for which corrections, etc. * Photon radiation \\ their role in NC/CC processes, general features, collinear non-safety versus KLN inclusiveness, etc. * Photon-induced processes \\ their size in various processes, how to fix the photon PDF, EW factorization scheme, etc. * EW Sudakov logs \\ quality of a leading-log approximation for NLO EW corrections, real W/Z emission, two-loops and beyond, etc. * more? == Experimental issues: == * ... ==== Coordination with Snowmass: QCD Issues ==== **[[2013:groups:sm:snowmass|here]]**