Modifications: (19-Jun) - Removed end blocks - Added function arguments (e.g arg1, arg2,..) - Renamed SR to CUT - Inheritance explicitly defined by key 'contains' - Changed cut language to select/reject - Added new info block "units" The idea is to write a plain text file that can be read easily into xml if needed (and hence universally readable). The name of the block become sthe xml tag. Anything that follows is turned into attributes. e.g. "name ATLAS" inside the block becomes . Anything inside the block starting with "#" is added as a comment, i.e. the block info analysis # Details about experiment id ATLAS-2014-XXX publication JHEP11(2014)118 sqrtS 8.0 lumi 20.0 converts to There are five types of pre-defined blocks: - **detectorobj** (defines reconstructed objects) - **function** (defines functions that act on these) - **cut** (blocks of cuts) - **binning** (following Daniel's idea, for complex descriptions of orthogonal signal regions) - **info** (for meta information chosen by the implementer, e.g. information about publication, conf-notes, theory papers used for interpretation, benchmarks, etc.) For presenting results, we need two more blocks, e.g. - **results** (for expected, observed, S95, etc.) - **table** (for providing digitised histograms etc.) For any block, a link to code or external documentation can be provided. We can also include a MCsamples block to document the programs used to generate signal and background samples. ====== Part I: Preamble (define detector objects, variables) ====== info analysis # Details about experiment id ATLAS-2014-XXX publication JHEP11(2014)118 sqrtS 8.0 lumi 20.0 info units energy GeV length mm xsec pb # If using function repository, need to clarify if phi is between 0-2pi or -pi to pi. detectorobj jet # detectorobj are lists of objects of same type # # Some human readable definition goes here; we assume sorted by pt algorithm anti-kt R 0.4 ptmin 20 etamax 2.5 # Can provide code and/or link to writeup with details of implementation code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details doc _link_to_doc_about_pilup_removal function isolation # Takes 2 arguments -- object, conesize; returns (sum of pT in cone of 0.1 around # electron)/(pt of lepton) takes in lepton and conesize arg1 detectorobj arg2 float return float code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details function overlap_removal # takes in jet list and lepton, reduces them to non-overlapping objects arg1 detectorobj-list arg2 detectorobj-list code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details detectorobj elec_l # Can provide code and/or link to writeup with details of implementation cut isolation<0.1 cut overlap_removal code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details detectorobj elec_m # electron-medium inherits from loose. # Can provide code and/or link to writeup with details of implementation contains elec_l code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details detectorobj lep # lep inherits from medium electrons or muons contains elec_m contains mu_m detectorobj met # Can provide code and/or link to writeup with details of implementation code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details cut e_trigger # Human readable info # Each signal analysis will need atleast one trigger to be satisfied # Can provide code and/or link to writeup with details of implementation eff 0.8 code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details cut mu_trigger # human readable info eff 0.8 code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details cut met_trigger # human readable info eff 0.8 code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details function mt # mT requires one lepton and met i.e. mt(lep.1,met) arg1 detectorobj arg2 detectorobj return float code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details function b-tag # takes in a jet and returns whether it is b-tagged arg1 detectorobj return bool eff 0.7 code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details function select # select(listname, criterion) # e.g. select(jet, b-tag) returns number of objects (i.e. jets) give # true for the test (i.e. b-tag). Should be made a global function like pT? arg1 detectorobj-list arg2 function return int code _code_link doc _link_to_file_with_details detectorobj hadtop # Define hadtop function deltaR # takes in two objects; returns deltaR arg1 detectorobj arg2 detectorobj return float function HT code _code_ doc _doc_link_ function metBYsqrtHT # returns MET/sqrt(HT) return float function delPhi # returns minimum delta phi between objects arg1 detectorobj arg2 detectorobj return float ====== PART 2: uses the objects defined above to define the signal regions ====== cut cleaning # List of preselection cuts: Give human readable descriptions (for # your experimental collaborators) and efficiency for theorists (if applicable) code _link_to_code doc _link_to_doc cut preselect # Pre-selection cuts eff 0.95 trigger e_trigger.OR.mu_trigger.OR.met_trigger select>25 reject lep.size>1 select jet.size>2 select met>100 cut tN_diag contains preselect select jet.size>4 select>60 select>60 select>40 select>25 select mt(lep.1,met)>=60 select m(hadtop)>=130 select m(hadtop)<=205 reject size(tau)>0 select deltaR(bjet.1,lep.1)<2.5 select metBYsqrtHT>5 select delPhi(jet.1,met)>0.8 select delPhi(jet.2,met)>0.8 ====== Part 3: Present results of the analysis. Give numbers, exclusions, digitised histograms, link to plots, etc. ====== We need to think about information that is absolutely necessary for validation and whether to put it in the same kind of info block (which are currently entirely optional). info MCsamples # Human readable info regarding what programs were used to make what # sample suggested format: Signal program extra details (extras are # stored in description for xml signal Sherpa1.4.1 stop-pair background POWHEG ttbar mtop = 172.5 NLO doc _link_to_file_with_details result tN_diag exp_sig stat_sig sys_sig exp_bg stat_bg sys_bg obs s95 table data1 table data1 # Not real data in example; could be used to provide histograms/tables/likelihoods bins nn data xlabel ylabel yerr 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 10.0 1.0 4.0 15.0 1.0