====== Topics for Consideration ======
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===== SM and N(N)LO =====
== NNLO: Attacking the 2013 Les Houches wish list ==
*what has been learned so far from NNLO calculations
*for jj, for Hj
*what common elements exist that will be useful for future calculations
* how can programs be used by non-authors?
== What's left at NLO? ==
*Status of automated calculations
*automatic inclusion of EW effects ->test cases
*Features of the TeV scale and of the transition from 8 TeV to 13 TeV
* Photon induced processes (like gamma gamma → WW)
* W/Z emission
*exclusive jet cross sections->what does the data tell us?
*scale choices: motivation/justifications for HT/2
== PDFs ==
*utility of/use of META PDFs
== Fiducial cross sections ==
*extrapolation uncertainties to full sigma
*WW as poster child
== Photons ==
*more on Les Houches tight isolation accord->theory with Frixione isolation = theory with NLO fragmentation with experimental fixed cone isolation (=data)
== Jets & Quark/Gluon Discrimination ==
*physics of jet R variation
*jet sub-structure tools and how they can be part of everyday analyses (Overlaps with NLO/SM and Tools/MC a bit with Higgs (e.g. VBF tagging)
* How to define quark/gluons at fixed order? (i.e. flavored jet algorithms)
* Tests of quark/gluon taggers? (ATLAS/CMS/theory)
* Why do current parton showers give such large discrepancies in quark/gluon tagging performances?
* Data available to tune quark/gluon taggers? (RIVETized analyses?)
* Key future measurements to be made? (at LHC or even in archival data?)
* Quark/gluon enriched samples? (e.g. dijet vs. gamma/W/Z + jet)
* Can NnLO/NnLL calculations improve our understanding?
* Impact of soft QCD (underlying event) and pileup?
== Higgs properties and modelling ==
* How to improve and make best use of differential cross section measurements?
== Off-Shell Higgs ==
== ME-PS matching and multileg merging ==
* Parton shower systematics
* Multijet merging systematics
* Tuning in presence of matching + merging
* Matching with photons and QED corrections
* cross generator comparison, possibly ttbar+jets (other channels welcome)
===== Interface SM/BSM =====
== Presentation of LHC results ==
* Intimately related to this is the issue of fiducial cross sections. This has both theory/modelling/MC aspect
* Presentation of LHC results; reinterpretation studies; feedback from experimentalists; update of the Atom/CheckMate/MadAnalysis 5
== Joint exercises between SM and BSM->how to find BSM (or not) given limits of SM precision ==
===== BSM Physics/ Including non Standard Higgs =====
== New States and Thechniques ==
* Compressed spectra in SUSY: alternative signals
* Theories where non-color particles cancel the quadratic divergence:The Twin Higges et al. How to look for these?
* BSM simulation at NLO in QCD
* Standardizing cross section information in the SLHA format (finalizing what has been initiated in 2013)
* Superboosted tops
* Vector-like Quark/Top partner searches: recommendation for presentation of searches for weak single production
* New Heavy gauge bosons: Prospects/priorities for run-II
* Compositeness scenarios: possibile to present results in terms of a useful simplified parametrisation (like MSSM/pMSSM etc)?
* Is the current status of boosted object reconstruction techniques sufficient for Run-II BSM searches? e.g. Is experimental b-tagging good enough in the boosted H/t kinematic regime?
* Do we need new techniques for leptonic and semi-leptonically decaying boosted objects?
* EFT approach to new physics and DM: Signals & limitation
* non-EFT approach to DM physics
== Higgs and New Physics ==
*Effective field theory approach to Higgs searches at the LHC.
*EFT implementation in Monte Carlo
*Fiducial Higgs cross sections at the LHC
*Synergy of electroweak precision and Higgs data.
*Triple gauge couplings at the LHC: how to make the analysis better and more model-independent.
*Presentation of limits from heavy Higgs searches on multi-Higgs models.
*Complementarity between non-standard Higgs searches and precision Higgs measurements
*Extra Higgs (light or heavy) searches: which decay channels are not covered?
*Scalars approximately mass-degenerate with the 125 GeV Higgs boson
*Higgs studies in the off-shell regime: on-shell and off-shell interference effects, impact on heavy Higgs signal strength measurements, EFT vs simplified models.
* Prospects for NMSSM Higgs Bosons with Run II
* "Exotic" decays of h(125) - what is doable with Run II and how ?
* probing h(125) CP (beyond h->ZZ: fermionic h decays, ttH, ...)
* Higgs and dark matter.
* Renormalization group effects in the dim 6 EFT space, impact on searches for new physics?
* status of double Higgs production searches: is there something left to do?