====== Simplified Template Cross Sections (STXS) and EFT constraints ====== People interested (add your name): Francesco Riva, Ken Mimasu, Fabio Maltoni, Benjamin Fuks, Kristin Lohwasser, Jorge de Blas, Pasquale Musella, Alexandra Carvalho, Caterina Vernieri, Benjamin Freund, Adam Falkowski Perform a case study of the constraining power on EFT Wilson coefficients from Higgs data through STXS. Compare the sensitivity of performing a fit to the Wilson coefficients of interest via the STXS with a direct fit from LHC data and quantify any loss of information incurred. [[https://github.com/musella/LHStxsVsEft|Github repository]] === Processes of interest: === * Associated production (VH->bb) * Vector Boson Fusion (VBF->gamma gamma, tau tau, ...) === Workflow === {{:2017:groups:higgs:stxeftworkflow.png?400|{{:2017:groups:higgs:stxeftworkflow.png?400|}} === Tasks === - Generate signal and background processes (Ken, Jorge) - Modify madanalysis to smear jets and output csv file (Benjamin) - Define selection cuts (Caterina and Kristin) - Develop RooFit-based stat analysis (Kristin) - Prepare skeleton for BDT training (Pasquale) === Samples to generate === * Baseline: * 500k events / process * 4-5 EFT points (start with 1-2) * VH(bb): SM Z(ll)H, EFT Z(ll)H, SM Z(ll)bb (100bbar == References https://cds.cern.ch/record/2206813/files/ATLAS-CONF-2016-091.pdf?version=1 https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.89.012003 Selections: * leptons > 25 GeV ,|eta|<2.5 * bjets, |eta| < 2.5, pT>20 * Z mass window --> 75 - 105 * ptV>0 GeV == VBS Htautau == References: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2264522/files/HIG-16-043-pas.pdf Selections: * Exactly 2 jets > 30 gev * mjj>300 GeV * detajj>2.5 * [((vectorial sum pT taus+met > 50 GeV (lep) / > 100 GeV (had) )) - Note: would probably leave it out?] * pT (tau) >30 GeV coming from * tau_had: >50 / >40 * lep-had: >20 (26e) / > 30 (had) * lep-lep: 13(e)/24(m) / 24(e) / 15(m) == Smearings == * CMS particle flow Jet resolution -> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.04965.pdf * ATLAS resolution on taus: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PAPERS/PERF-2013-06 === Available UFO models: === * HEL at LO (extensive set of SILH basis operators) [[http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/HEL|(link)]] * HEL at NLO (small subset of SILH basis operators relevant for EW production) [[http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/HELatNLO|(link)]] === References: === * Session 1 STXS page. [[https://phystev.cnrs.fr/wiki/2017:groups:higgs:stxs| (link) ]] * Rivet tool implementing stage 1 and 0 selections maintained by LHCHXSWG [[https://svnweb.cern.ch/cern/wsvn/lhchiggsxs/repository/TemplateXS/| (link)]]