====== SM Working Group: Loops, Multi-legs and Jets (to be updated)====== If you are interested in contributing please subscribe to the [[session1-nlm@phystev.cnrs.fr | session 1 NLM mailing list]]. You will be asked to log in with your CERN account. If you don't have a CERN account, please fill this [[https://account.cern.ch/account/Externals/RegisterAccount.aspx | form]] to create a lightweight account. List of participants [[2017:groups:sm:list_sm| list_sm]]. * [[2017:working_groups:jets | Jets]] * [[2017:working_groups:scales | scale choices]] * [[2017:working_groups:nnlo | NNLO ]] * [[2017:working_groups:ew | Electro-weak ]] * [[2017:working_groups:pdf | PDFs ]] * [[2017:working_groups:dm | SM backgrounds for DM searches (V+jets) ]] * [[2017:working_groups:vbs | vector boson scattering ]] * [[2017:working_groups:wishlist | wishlist ]] * [[2017:working_groups:4dim | 4-dim. methods ]] * [[2017:working_groups:incljets | Fixed-Order vs ME+PS for inclusive jets ]]