{{ :2023:lh_summary_allgroups.pdf |}} ===== Programme in Les Houches ====== //(accessible to everyone, editing rights to conveners and organizers)// As is the tradition in LH, the programme will be built up on a daily basis. Here we list the schedule of the first and last days of each session + other useful information. **Room Reservation for WG meetings/discussions with boards and projectors** * Auditorium: 70 people * Library: about 30 people * QCD Room: < = 20 people * //(there are other smaller meeting places and corners for informal discussions)// --------------------------- ===== Session 1 [12-21 June 2023] ===== === Monday 12 June === ^ 19h30 | Dinner | | LH Restaurant | ^ 21h00 | Short meeting | (conveners and organizers only) | Auditorium | === Tuesday 13 June === ^ 09h00-09h15 | Welcome by the organizers {{ :2023:s1_2023_welcome_v2.pdf | talk}} | organizers | Auditorium| ^ | **Working groups intro talks** | ^ 09h15-09h55 | Higgs ({{roentsch_higgs_lh2023.pdf | TH }} / {{ standard_model_higgs.pdf | EXP }} ) | Raoul Roentsch / Mauro Donega | Auditorium | ^ 09h55-10h35 | Jet-substructure techniques ({{Jet_substructure_Les_Houches.pdf | PDF }}) | Simone Marzani / Andreas Hinzmann | Auditorium | ^ 10h35-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge in Main Building| ^ 11h00-11h40 | Techniques & calculations ({{les-houches-intro-sm.pdf | TH }} / {{ :2023:huston_les_houches_23_intro-1.pdf | EXP }})| Azzurri/Huss/Huston/Pellen | Auditorium | ^ 11h40-12h20 | MC generators, Tools, Machine-Learning {{ :2023:les_houche_intro.pdf | Slides}} | Plaetzer/Mikuni | Auditorium | ^ 12h30-14h45 | **Lunch break** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 14h45-16h00 | Round Table | Everyone |Auditorium | ^ 16h00-16h30 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge in Main Building | ^ 16h30-18h00 | W mass ({{tanmay_13june_les_houches_2023.pdf | theory agnostic }} {{futureee_mw_lh.pdf | future }} ) | Sarkar/Azzurri/Huss/Huston/Pellen | Auditorium | ^ 19h00-19h30 | **Welcome Drink** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 19h30- | **Dinner** | | LH Restaurant | === Wednesday 14 June === ^ 09h00-12h00 | Jet flavour discussion with short talks ({{SDflavour_LesHouches23.pdf | Reichelt}}) ({{flvantikt_poncelet.pdf | Poncelet}}) ({{flavour_dressing.pdf | Stagnitto}}) ({{LesHouches_flavour_Scyboz.pdf | Scyboz}}) [[2023:groups:smjets:flavoured-jets:start|Wiki]] | Reichelt / Poncelet / Stagnitto / Scyboz | Auditorium| ^ 11h00-12h30 | VBF studies | Ferrario Ravasio / Pellen | QCD room| ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 14h00-15h30 | Status of q/g discrimination and JSS [[2023:groups:smjets:jss-measurements:start|wiki]] | Simon/Andreas/Josh | Library| ^ 16h00-17h30 | Uncertainty quantification for PDFs and machine learning ({{n614_leshouches.pdf}})| Pavel | Auditorium | ^ 16h00-17h30 | STXS CPV observables and Kappa_l | Yacine/Josh| QCD room | ^ 19h30- | **Dinner** | | LH Restaurant | === Thursday 15 June === ^ 09h00-10h00 | Interpolation grids {{leshouches_2023_interpolationgrids.pdf | ApplFast1}} {{les_houches_applfast2_talk.pdf | ApplFast2}} and {{hightea.pdf | HighTea}} | Kunz / Rabbertz / Poncelet | Auditorium | ^ 09h00-10h00 | Unbinned cross sections unfolding ({{Unfolding_LHE.pdf | Unfolding}})| Vinicius / Andrea | Library| ^ 11h00-12h30 | Fiducial multiboson cross sections (VBF/VBS) | Azzurri/ Haddad / Pellen | QCD room| ^ 11h00-12h30 | Jet substructure and ML [[2023:groups:smjets:jets-and-ml:start|wiki]] {{ jet_substructure_and_ml_les_houches-1.pdf | Intro}} | Loukas/Andreas/Hulin/Vinicius | Auditorium| ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 14h00-16h00 | Shower/hadronization interplay and uncertainties | Josh/Simon | Auditorium | ^ 16h00-18h00 | Definition of EW final states and interplay with evolution | Simon | QCD room | ^ 19h30- | **Dinner** | | LH Restaurant | === Friday 16 June === ^ 09h00-11h00 | Event reweighing {{20230616-leshouches-wdr-av-v1.pdf|Valassi}} {{2023:cell_resampling.pdf|Cell Resampler, Jeppe}} ([[2023:groups:smhiggs:higgs-cell-resample:start|Wiki Link]]) | Vinicius/Jeppe | Auditorium| ^ 11h00-12h30 | Computing and infrastructure | Josh/Stefan/Simon/Vinicius | Auditorium | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 14h00-15h30 | aN3LO PDFs {{tcridge_msht20an3lo_talk_leshouches_june23.pdf | Cridge}} {{ lh2023_16_06_23.pdf| Giacomo }} ([[2023:groups:smhiggs:ggf-an3lo:start|Wiki link]]) |Tom/Giacomo/Simone | Auditorium | ^ 16h00-17h00 | Quick flavour fest | All Flavours | QCD room| ^ 17h00-18h00 | EW uncertainties | Huss/Pellen | QCD room| ^ 19h30- | **Dinner** | | LH Restaurant | === Saturday 17 June === Day off === Sunday 18 June === ^ 10h00-12h00 | q/g and JSS MC uncertainties, experimental feasibility of correlators ({{MLB_LH23_JESModelling.pdf | Exp. Slides}}) | Simon et al. | Auditorium | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 14h00-15h00 | Update on JSS studies | Simon et al. | QCD room | ^ 14h00-15h30 | VBF studies - follow up | Ferrario Ravasio/Huston/Pellen |Auditorium | ^ 15h45-16h45 | Plan for shower/hadronization studies | Simon et al. | QCD room | === Monday 19 June === ^ 9h00-10h00 | Updates on interfaces | Josh/Stefan/Simon | Auditorium | ^ 10h00-11h20 | Generators on GPUs {{20230619-mg5amcongpu-leshouches-av-v1.pdf | Valassi}} | Josh/Stefan/Andrea | Auditorium | ^ 14h00-15h30 | Updating the Les Houches wishlist | ALL | Auditorium| ^ 16h00-17h00 | aN3LO PDFs for ggF - follow up | Cridge/Magni {{ :2023:lh2023_19_06_23.pdf | slides }}/Huss/Jones | Auditorium| ^ 17h00-18h30 | Flavour update | Every Flavour Beans | Auditorium| ^ 19h00| **Aperitif + Workshop dinner** | ALL | restaurant| === Tuesday 20 June === ^ 9h00-11h00 | VBF comparison for LHCH XSWG | All interested parties | Auditorium| ^ 11h00-12h30 | alphas measurements from the LHC: how to include in the PDG average | Huston/Rabbertz | Auditorium | ^ 14h00 | **Group picture** | all | outside main building | ^ 14h15-15h00 | Update on JSS studies | Andreas et al. | QCD room | ^ 16h00-18h00 | Machine learning and theory: polarisation [2306.07726], uncertainties {{ghosh.pdf | talk}}, ... | Mikuni/Pellen/Ghosh | Auditorium| === Wednesday 21 June === ^ | **Working groups concluding talks** | ^ 09h00-09h40 | Techniques & calculations {{ smpheno_exp.pdf | EXP }} / {{ :2023:lh23-sm-th-summary.pdf | TH}}) | Azzurri / Huss | Auditorium | ^ 09h40-10h20 | MC generators, Tools, Machine-Learning {{ :2023:les_houches_summary.pdf | talk}} | McFayden | Auditorium | ^ 10h20-10h50 | **Break** | | Lounge | ^ 10h50-11h30 | Higgs {{ :2023:les_houches_2023_standard_model_higgs_closeout.pdf | slides }} | Raoul Röntsch, Karsten Köneke | Auditorium | ^ 11h30-12h10 | Jet-substructure techniques {{ LH-summary-marzani.pdf | Jet Flavour }} {{ jet_substructure_les_houches2.pdf | JSS part 2}} | Hinzmann/Marzani | Auditorium | ^ 12h10-12h20 | Farewell {{ :2023:s1_2023_farewell_v2.pdf |talk}}| organizers | Auditorium | ^ 12h20-13h30 | **Lunch** | | LH Restaurant | ^ 13h30 | **Bus departure** (for Geneva Airport and CERN) | Car Park | ===== Session 1 Ends ===== --------------------------- ===== Session 2 [21-30 June 2023] ===== === Wednesday 21 June === ^ 19h30 | Dinner | | Restaurant | ^ 21h00 | Short meeting | (conveners and organizers only) | Auditorium | === Thursday 22 June === ^ 09h00-09h15 | Welcome to Les Houches {{ :2023:welcome_session_2.pdf | talk}} | organizers | Auditorium| ^ 09h15 | **Working groups intro talks** | ^ 09h15-09h50 | BSM Phenomenology at colliders {{ :2023:slides_bsm_collider_22.pdf | talk}}| Tamara Vazquez Schroeder/Manuel Szewc | Auditorium| ^ 09h50-10h25 | BSM Higgs physics {{ :2023:2023:lh_higgs_bsmaspects-4.pdf | talk}} | Adinda de Wit | Auditorium| ^ 10h25-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h35 | Tools & Machine Learning {{ :2023:slides_andrea_gk.pdf | ML Talk}} {{ :2023:durieux-2023-06-22-leshouches.pdf | SMEFT}}| Gregor Kasieczka / Gauthier Durieux | Auditorium | ^ 11h35-12h10 | Low-energy probes {{ :2023:introlowenergy.pdf | talk}} | Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs | Auditorium | ^ 12h30-14h30 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 14h30-15h30 | Round Table | all | Auditorium | ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 16h00-17h15 | Group formation | all | Auditorium| ^ 17h30-18h00 | Intro Mattermost/Wiki | (all interested) | Auditorium| ^ 19h00-19h30 | **Welcome Drink** | | Bar | ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | === Friday 23 June === ^ 09h00-09h45 | Low mass scalars (<125 GeV) | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 09h45-10h30 | Reinterpretation | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | (high energy) EFT - measurement/physics issues | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 11h45-12h30 | low-energy EFT | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 14h00-14h45 | Physics & ML | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 14h45-15h30 | Dark showers | all interested | Library| ^ 14h45-15h30 | Atomic symmetry tests | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge| ^ 16h00-16h45 | High mass scalars (>125 GeV) & VLL/VLQ | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 16h00-16h45 | Light dark matter | all interested | Library| ^ 16h45-17h30 | Model-agnostic searches | all interested | Auditorium| ^ 16h45-17h30 | HH/HHH and trilinear Higgs calculations | all interested | Library| ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | ^ 20h45-22h00 | "Sunset lecture": Atomic EDMs | Jacinda Ginges, Sebastian Lahs | Auditorium| === Saturday 24 June === ^ 9h00-10h30 | Low mass scalars (<125 GeV) | contact: Andreas Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 9h00-09h45 | EFT + PDF | contact: Maria Ubiali | QCD Room | ^ 9h00-10h30 | P/CP in muonic atoms | contact: Julian Berengut | Outside | ^ 9h45-10h30 | Precision BSM {{ :2023:precisionBSM.pdf | talk}} | contact: Michael Spira | Library | ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | High Mass Scalars: Pair Production | contact: Giacomo Cacciapaglia |QCD room| ^ 11h00-11h45 | Low-energy EFT, Kostelecky/SME | |Auditorium| ^ 11h00-11h45 | Recast Lorentz/CP Violation by DM background |contact: Di Liu |Library| ^ 11h00-11h45 | Machine Learning 4 EFT | contact: A.Glioti & J.ter Hoeve |Auditorium| ^ 11h47-12h23 | Emerging jet tagging | contact: Jose Zurita |QCD Room| ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | ^ 21h30 | LH song | | by the piano | === Sunday 25 June === Day off... enjoy the area!\\ //(No lunch at the restaurant, picnic boxes can be picked up from 9h00 at the restaurant)// Dinner as usual at 19h30 (please be back on time) === Monday 26 June === ^ 9h00-09h45 | Generative Models | contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre | Library | ^ 9h00-09h45 | EFTs for low-mass diphoton excesses | contact: A. Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 9h00-10h30 | PV in muonic atoms |Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs | Outside and Sofa | ^ 9h45-10h30 | Associated Higgs production and Z -> bb X | contact: A. Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 9h45-10h30 | Energy Correlators | contact: Marc Riembau | QCD Room | ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | ML Reinterpretation| S.Sezen & P.Tomasz |Library| ^ 11h00-11h45 | On-shell EFT brainstorming | contact: Gauthier Durieux | Auditorium| ^ 11h00-11h45 | Lorentz/CP Violation by DM background | Di Liu | QCD Room| ^ 11h45-12h30 | Physics input to ML | contact: Jan Kieseler |QCD Room| ^ 11h45-12h30 | Precision BSM {{ :2023:precisionBSM.txt | discussion}} | contact: Michael Spira | Library | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 14h00-15h00 | Low-energy EFT dictionary | input talk by Diego Blas + discussion | Auditorium | ^ 14h00-15h00 | HHH triple Higgs | contact: Carlo Pandini | Library | ^ 14h00-14h45 | Different / multi-final state anomalies ([[2023:​groups:bsmtools:multi-final-state-anomalies|blackboard]]) | contact: Gregor | QCD Room | ^ 14h45-15h30 | EFT Searches | contact: Admir Greljo | QCD Room | ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 16h00-16h45 | Intro to Model Agnostic Searches | Andrea/Gregor | Auditorium | ^ 16h00-17h30 | Atomic searches for light new particles |Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs | Library | ^ 17h00-17h45 | LLP reinterpretation | Andre Lessa | QCD Room | ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | ^ 20h45-22h00 | "Sunset lecture": Atomic Parity Violation | Ben Roberts | Auditorium | === Tuesday 27 June === ^ 9h00-09h45 | Light scalar in $Z \to \gamma A$ | contact: G.Cacciapaglia | Auditorium | ^ 9h00-10h30 | PV in muonic atoms |Julian Berengut | Outside and Sofa | ^ 9h00-09h45 | Generative models | contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre | QCD Room | ^ 9h46-10h29 | Emerging jet tagging | contact: Jose Zurita | QCD Room | ^ 9h45-10h30 | Scalar Jamboree | contact: A. Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 9h45-10h30 | On-shell EFT brainstorming | contact: Gauthier Durieux | Library + announcement blackboard| ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | ML Reinterpretation | contact: Sezen & Tomasz | QCD Room | ^ 11h15-12h00 | Dirac equation toy calculation for muonic atoms | Julian, Fiona, Dipan, Elina | Sofa | ^ 11h45-12h30 | Anomalies with multiple final states | Louis Moureaux | QCD Room | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 13h45-14h30 | Hands-on: EFT in Vjj search (MC) | contact: A. De Wit, T. Vazquez Schroeder | QCD Room | ^ 14h30-15h00 | Higgs Naturalness Brainstorming | contact: R. D'Agnolo | QCD Room | ^ 15h00-15h30 | Low-energy EFT dictionary: task assignment | contact: Elina Fuchs | Auditorium | ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 16h00-16h45 | Model-agnostic searches without bump hunts | contact: Gaia Grosso and Manuel Sommerhalder | Auditorium | ^ 16h00-17h00 | Atomic tests of NP (e.g. quadrupole interactions) | contact: Sebastian Lahs, Di Liu et al | Library | ^ 16h45-17h30 | Energy Correlators | contact: Marc Riembau | QCD Room | ^ 17h30-18h00 | Tutorial: Generative models: normalizing flows | contact: Sung Hak Lim [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17qI_x7VDpG0hKzwUQ9yXkAQyHw-5Cm3n?usp=drive_link|Colab config.]] [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P7-jfFn9PEJDOKWFjCxvwmHjISjci3ml?usp=drive_link|Masked Autogregressive Flows (MAF)]] [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H3_wUuO70-zy9hLRFjQp5V_Zfqbvda5m?usp=drive_link|Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNF)]] | Library | ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | ^ 20h45-22h00 | "Sunset lecture": What's left of the B-anomalies | G. Isidori | Auditorium | === Wednesday 28 June === ^ 9h00-10:30 | Scalar jamboree++ (95) | contacts: G. Cacciapaglia, A. Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 9h00-9h45 | Generative Models | contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre | QCD Room | ^ 9h00-10:30 | NP in Z propagator for APV in muonic atoms | contacts: Gino, Dipan, Fiona, Elina et al | Sofa | ^ 9h45-10h30 | EFT + PDF | contact: Manuel and Luca | QCD Room | ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | Energy Correlators | contact: Marc Riembau | QCD Room | ^ 11h00-11h45 | ML Reinterpretation | contact: Sezen & Tomasz | Auditorium | ^ 11h00-12h00 | HHH triple Higgs [[https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/JHEP03(2020)155.pdf?pdf=button | paper]] | contact: Carlo Pandini | Library | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 14h00-14h45 | Precision BSM {{ :2023:precisionBSM.txt | discussion}} | contact: Michael Spira | Library | ^ 14h00-14h45 | On-shell EFT and more | contact: Gauthier Durieux | QCD room | ^ 14h45-16h00 | MC for Vjj EFT search | | Lounge| ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 16h00-16h45 | Tutorial: GAMBIT {{ :2023:LH_GAMBIT_tutorial_2023.pdf | talk}}| contact: Are Raklev | Library | ^ 18h00-19h00 | "Pre-gala lecture": Atomic and nuclear clocks | Julian Berengut | Auditorium | ^ 19h30 | **Workshop dinner** | | Restaurant | === Thursday 29 June === ^ 9h00-09:45 | NP in Z propagator for APV in muonic atoms | contacts: Gino et al (PP) | Sofa | ^ 9h00-09:45 | Lonely Jets | contacts: Jose Zurita | QCD Room | ^ 9h00-09h45 | On-shell EFT and more | contact: Gauthier Durieux | Auditorium | ^ 9h45-10:30 | Atomic Parity Violation | contacts: Julian, Natalia et al (PP+AP) | Sofa | ^ 9h45(+15-1)-10:30 | Anomalies with multiple final states (working meeting) ([[2023:​groups:bsmtools:multi-final-state-anomalies|blackboard]]) | contact: Louis Moureaux | QCD Room | ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 11h00-11h45 | Low-energy EFT dictionary | contact: Elina Fuchs | Auditorium | ^ 11h45-12h30 | Tutorial: Matchete [[https://gitlab.com/matchete/matchete|Git]]| contact: Julie Pagès | Library | ^ 12h30-14h00 | **Lunch break** | | Restaurant | ^ 13h55 | **Group picture** | | Outside main building | ^ 14h00-14h30 | Tutorial: Generative models: diffusion models | contact: Sung Hak Lim [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1diLKHyucQltHmhDzjqoCf6X4at7_BwK6?usp=drive_link|score-based diffusion models]] | Library | ^ 14h30-15h30 | More on Higgs Naturalness | contact: Raffaele D'Agnolo | Auditorium | ^ 15h30-16h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 16h00-17h30 | TOPE + Quadrupole dark matter | contact: Sebastian Lahs, Di Liu et al | Library | ^ 16h00-17h30 | Anomalies with multiple final states ([[2023:​groups:bsmtools:multi-final-state-anomalies|blackboard]]) | contact: Louis Moureaux | QCD/ML Room | ^ 16h00-16h30 | gGMm + composite models + cascade decays | contact: A.Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 16h30-17h00 | Associated $\gamma\gamma$ production | contact: A.Crivellin | Auditorium | ^ 17h30-18h00 | $Z\to\gamma A$ | contact: G.Cacciapaglia | Auditorium | ^ 18h00-18h30 | Composite scalars vademecum | contact: G.Cacciapaglia | Auditorium | ^ 19h30 | **Dinner** | | Restaurant | === Friday 30 June === //Please vacate your rooms by 9h00am -- luggage can be brought to the main building// ^ 09h00-12h00 | **Working groups concluding talks** {{ :2023:lh_summary_allgroups.pdf |Slides}} | ^ 10h30-11h00 | **Coffee break** | | Lounge | ^ 12h00-12h20 | Farewell | organizers | Auditorium | ^ 12h30-13h30 | **Lunch** | | Restaurant | ^ 14h00 | **Bus departure** (for Geneva Airport and CERN) | | ===== Session 2 Ends =====