Discussion on Differential Higgs Cross Section Measurements
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Session 1 discussion
Most promising: 0-jet (smaller uncertainties from ttbar backgrounds)
Definition of fiducial region should include cuts on mll and mT
Interesting measurement: 0-jet cross section as a function of the pT cut in the jet veto, going as low as possible
Do not subtract pp→WW contribution to avoid associated uncertainties (quote estimated contribution)
Harmonized fiducial cross section measurements between Higgs and SM would be nice
Background subtraction?
Experimentally H→gammma gamma makes more sense fully background subtracted
H→ZZ→4l or H→WW→2l2nu could give measurements including irreducible background (with appropriate fiducial phase space definition including eg suitable m4l window in that case)
In that case prediction for irreducible background should also be provided to allow theorists to easily subtract it if desired
Session 2 discussion
jet selection anti-kT R=0.4, pt>25-30 GeV, |eta|<4.5
0j : sigma times BR
1j : pT 100,200,(300,400)_mt,overflow
2j : bin in 2j exclusive and 3j inclusive, distributions mjj, Delta eta_jj, Delta Phi_jj
2j : mjj, Delta eta_jj, Delta Phi_jj
fully leptonic: mVH 300…500, overflow
1l, 0l: mT>200 GeV