Chair: Roberto Vega Morales

Members: Ken Mimasu, Veronica Sanz, Adam Falkowski, Alexandra Oliveira, Benjamin Fuks, Florian Goertz, Nicolas Chanon, Adam Martin, Alberto Tonero. Please add your name if it's missing or you want to join.

Scope: Understanding how differential distributions of h>WW>2l2v decays may help constraining the EFT parameters.

  1. Parametrization of hWW couplings as in the LHCHXSWG basis proposal. There are 4 couplings corresponding to different possible 0-derivative and 2-derivative tensor structures. D=6 EFT relates these to other Higgs couplings to Z and photon, but this is not very important for this project.


  1. Discussion on relating Higgs Anomalous Couplings CMS/ATLAS and EFT perspective. Point out what is missing from EFT viewpoint in existing analyses (simultaneous constraints, hW\Box W couplings) [Adam Nicolas Predrag Veronica]
  2. Calculate how the relative h>WW (integrated) partial width depends on these 4 parameters. arXiv:1505.00046 calculated this at tree-level. It may be possible to refine this results to NLO, e.g. using eHDECAY. [Veronica, Ken, AA]
  3. Understand how the dependence of the 4 parameters is affected by the experimental cuts used when mu(h>WW) is measured at the LHC. [Veronica, AA, 10min]
  4. Understand how the differential distribution of \Delta \phi_{ll}, m_{ll}, and m_T depend on the 4 parameters [RVM, AA, Veronica, Nicolas (on the condition of pT), Adam M, Jose Mi, Chris Pollard, Florian]
  5. Matrix Element Method to obtain EFT parameters [RVM, Nicolas]