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still under construction
2nd meeting: Saturday June 6 at 9AM in Auditorium
Very interesting but timescale not compatible with LH proceedings:
What could be accomplished for the proceedings? (Blackboard discussion)
References for above presentations (to be completed):
3nd meeting: Tuesday June 9 at 11AM in Auditorium
A) Smooth vs. Exp'l Isolation Cone Comparison
1) Study additional processes similar to what was done by L. Cieri and D. de Florian for inclusive diphotons in LH2013, see if also obtain agreement within O(1)% for generalisation of LH Photon Isolation Accord.“one could define the isolation to be tight enough when the contribution from the fragmentation component does not exceeds ~15−20% of the total cross section” true for all processes?:
–Wgamma (and maybe later Zgamma) with POWHEG+MinLO: Total cross-section vs Etmax and vs epsilon, and differential in Et_gamma, M_lnu(ll)gamma for 1-2 choices [e.g. epsilon=0.05, cone size](Mauro C. and Fulvio)
–Gamma + jet JETPHOX: Total cross-section vs Etmax and vs epsilon, and differential in Et_gamma for 1-2 choices[e.g. epsilon=0.05, cone size 0.2, 0.4, 0.7? ] (Gudrun H…)
–triphoton (and maybe later quadriphoton) production with MCFM: Total cross-section vs Etmax and vs epsilon, and differential in some variables (Et_gamma 1(2)(3)(4)…)Extend range of epsilon in sigma vs. epsilon plots down to epsilon=0.05 and add scale variations(Ciaran)
2) Is unphysical behaviour under 'mismatch' of direct and frag component orders (as reported in LH2013 by Cieri and deFlorian) for gamma gamma, gamma gamma + jet and W/Zgamma also generalized to other processes?
–Gamma + jet with JETPHOX shown June 6 (Gudrun)[yes] (Is it possible to have 'LO fragmention function-LO matrix element' to check?)
–LO fragmentation function possible in time horizon for proceedings (Jean-Philippe, Michel F.)?
B) Fragmentation: How important is the 'transverse' (or non-collinear) vs. 'longitudinal' (or collinear) fragmentation? FO calculators (e.g. PHOX family, MCFM, GoSam, …) only have longitudinal, HO codes with PS (e.g. POWHEG with MiNLO) have both. While waiting for gamma gamma in POWHEG with MiNLO (probably not for proceedings), use Vgamma (and maybe later Zgamma), MCFM vs. POWHEG + MiNLO, as 'test bench' to evaluate difference in integrated xs, differential observables and comparison with CMS/ATLAS data (Mauro/Fulvio, Ciaran et al, all)
C) Experimental Survey (experimentalists):
1) size and character of cones used/planned for use in CMS + ATLAS (size, hollow/solid, Fixed or normalized (epsilon or fixed value)), disc. Frixione?)
2)Survey of direct photon measurements esp Vgamma