Table of Contents

Quark/Gluon Enrichment Studies

a.k.a. Hunting the White Whale of Jet Substructure

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Slides from Saturday

Plan of attack for Wednesday Les Houches Presentation


Quark/gluon discrimination well-defined?

How to isolate quark vs. gluon samples?

"Discrimination" really the right word?

What is the killer app of quark/gluon enrichment?

Physics Issues

Separating final state from initial state effects

FSR effects

ISR effects

Experimental Results

Hemisphere quark/gluon definitions in e+e-

Flavored Jet Algorithms

Ultimate Goal for Les Houches Study

Initial Les Houches Study

Key Question

Basic Plan

Core Jet Shapes

Supplemental Jet Shapes

Analysis Workflow

Preliminary plots for meeting on Thursday

ga_10_20.pdf ga_10_10.pdf ga_10_05.pdf ga_00_00.pdf ga_20_00.pdf


Next Les Houches Study (for after LH)

Analytic Les Houches Study?

Notes from Tuesday Meeting

* original discussion from 2015-06-02

Generic commentes:

- ill-defined but OK in the eikonal limit
  one speaks of quark or gluon-enriched samples

- we need an operational definition defined by final-state.
  e.g. rapidity correlation or shape
  separate measurement v. interpretation

- be worried about the process dependence and the detector effects (MC
  study v. behaviour in data)

- try to speak of a S/\sqrt{B} improvements rather than q/g discrimination
  [this is also related to the definition of a hadronic W]

- can we find a better naming convention?
  Suggestion: quark-gluon enrichment

- Why?
  Is there a killer app?
  use q/g as a piece of an analysis
  general recipe v. optimal analysis

- can we use flavoured jet algorithms?

- FSR issues (pointed out by Jesse in the introductory talk)
  related to tuning gluon jets in MC
  related to colour correlations with ISR
  [ISR should be sensitive to large angle => see some process-dependence]
  [FSR should be fimen at small angle => see universality]

- Look at hard core v. wide angle.

- Experimental results
   . ATLAS v. CMS: 
      ATLAS suggests beta->0 is not effective
      CMS says pTD is good
   . analytics suggest low beta works best
   . ATLAS sees a large process dependence
   . is there a connection with ISR?

     see Appendix A.

- Spin information.
   . is it in the MC? [yes]
   . does it help or hurt?

- g \to qqbar v. g \to gg
   does it help or hurt

- quark v. heavy flavour?

Use cases:

- VBF tagging
- SUSY multijet is q-enriched
- pileup jet rejection (stochastic?)
- enhance W/Z/t/H in boosted regime

Concrete study(ies) for Les Houches?

Ideal result: recommendation for experiment for observables that carry
  info, defined in the final state and define q/g and eventually
  useful for MC tuning (check the systematics)

- A14 tune uses jet shape 
  this brings alphas down
  Q: what happens to LEP?

- 1st study: do we understand FSR modelling?

   . take e+e- to qqbar and gg
   . vary energy and jet radius
   . vary shapes
   . ROC v. mutual info I(T;A)
   . use as many MC options as possible

shapes: (kappa,beta)=(1  ,0.5)
                     (1  ,1)
                     (1  ,2)
                     (0  ,0)
                     (2  ,0)

        + ellipticity
       (+ pull)?
        + Psi(r)
        + check Gallicchio and Schwarz
        . tau21 of ECF(2,3)
        + ??
      on full event or only on tracks?

     questions: choice of axes (recoil)
                sum or sum over pairs?

   . for hadron colliders: 
        look at dijets

   . use groomed jets
        use soft-drop beta 

   . question of robustness v. performance 
     (including process dependence, pileup, low pt v. high pt)


 - tool writing (jet shapes)
     use FJ, Rivet
   [Jesse, Gregory, Deepak]  [+Andy B??]
 - MC for e+e-
     HERWIG, Pythia, SHERPA [hook Franck, Mark?], VINCIA, ...
     + options
     [Peter S, Andrzej]
 - MC for pp
     above, +PU, VBF
     [Peter L.]

Notes from Thursday Meeting

Meeting in Les-Houches

Presentation of the wiki notes: list of contributors, ...

Presentation of the status of the software: 
  start w e+e- and do pp later
  Rivet analysis in place which computes from a HepMC event sample the various generalised angularity distributions

Reminder: what we mean by a q and a g is e+e-\to qq and e+e-\to gg
  If we want to do something more refined:
    - at LO we can unambiguously sum flavours in hemispheres defined by thrust
    - at NLO we can unambiguously sum flavours in hemispheres defined by thrust
      we get a quark and a small gluon fraction
    - at NNLO things are more complicated. We can use a flavoured
      algorithm (BSZ) to define the flavour of each hemisphere
    - for pp collisions, we should use a flavoured algorithm to
      determine flavour, and then find a way (e.g. using ghosts) to
      run anti-kt jets. This would deserve a topic per se (a LH accord)?
    - Question: can we match to the Born and find an operatiroal
      definition up t power corrections?
      Use case: VBF, two jets with a third jet veto. q/g well-defined
                in the exclusive limit

Questions to look into:
 - is the discrimination power (e.g. for width) coming from the hadronisation regime?
 - plotting in log binninb?
 - pythia v. herwig important to test string v. cluster hadronisation
 - isolate hadronisation regime. Study the scaling in different bins
   of one angularity (e.g. thrust). Take a hadronisation region
   (T\propto LQCD/Q) and a shower region (T~0.1-0.2) plus optionally a
   "hard jet region" (T >~ 0.25)
 - does mathing help?
 - jet radius dependence (edit analysis and recompile)
 - analytic predictions?
    for thrust: ee->qq known at N^3LL' + N^3LO
                ee->qq known at N^2LL' + N^2LO
        ang(bkappa=1): NLL'
 - question of the universality/process dependence of the conclusions?
   Related to whether the power comes from the core or the periphery?

 - process to consider: 
     mu+mu- -> spin1 -> qq  take photons
     mu+mu- -> spin0 -> gg  take Higgs
   for tests of universality
     mu+mu- -> spin0 -> qq

 - Energies Q=sqrt = 50, 200, 800 GeV
   jetdef: ee-antikt [genkt, p=-1], WTA_modp recomb scheme
   radii: 0.3, 0.6, 0.9

 - add thrust from thrust hemispheres for analytic purpose

 - add multiplicity (event-wide) in bins of thrust:
     T < 5 GeV/sqrt(S)
     5 GeV/sqrt(S) < T < 0.1
     0.1 < T < 0.2
     0.2 < T

Notes for Jesse for Preparing Summary Talk

What is a Quark Jet?

(From ill-defined to well-defined)

(Sometimes people think we care about the top of the list while we are really focused entirely on the bottom.)