A comparison of generators/fixed order predictions for Z+b(b) and W+b(b) among them and against data
http://arxiv.org/pdf/1107.3714.pdf (Campbell et al.)
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Gavin Hesketh, Vitaliano Ciulli, Rikkert Frederix, Marek Schoenherr, Paolo Francavilla, Gionata Luisoni, Davide Napoletano, Carlo Pandini, Frank Krauss, Carlo Oleari, Stefano Pozzorini, …
This study includes both comparison at particle level (after hadronization) and at parton level (either before or after the parton shower). One of the goal is comparing results in 5-flavour vs 4-flavour scheme. Some Rivet routine have been provided based on measurements of ATLAS and CMS. At particle level this plugins allows comparison to the results of the measurement on 7 TeV data, so we should use this center-of-mass energy.
ATLAS Rivet routines:
Measurement of differential production cross-sections for a Z boson in association with b-jets in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector arxiv:1407.3643
Measurement of the cross-section for W boson production in association with b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector arXiv:1302.2929
Center-of-mass energy: 7 TeV
Run the analyses over Z→ee or W→enu events. The .yoda file is also needed to define the binning for some plots, and for data comparison.
The routine will work with either a pure parton level hepmc file, or a full particle level file. It will reconstruct anti-kT 0.4 jets with rapidity < 2.4 (2.1 for W) and pT>20 GeV (25 for W), and label as b-jets based on matching Delta R(jet, quark/hadron) < 0.3. The quarks are taken at the end of the shower (no b-quark daughters), and the weakly decaying b-hadrons are used (no b-hadron daughters).
Makes the following plots:
quarklev_b_quark_pT : pT of all b quarks with rapidity<2.7
quarklev_b_quark_pT_matching_jet : pT of all b quarks with rapidity<2.7, matching a jet
quarklev_bjet_number_matching_b_quarks : number of b-quarks matching each jet
quarklev_bjet_number_matching_b_quarks_5GeV : number of b-quarks with pT>5 GeV matching each jet
quarklev_bjet_pT_single_quark_0GeV : pT of bjets containing a single b quark (no cut on quark pT)
quarklev_bjet_pT_double_quark_0GeV : pT of bjets containing at least two b quarks (quark pT>5 GeV)
quarklev_bjet_pT_single_quark_5GeV : pT of bjets containing a single b quark (no cut on quark pT)
quarklev_bjet_pT_double_quark_5GeV : pT of bjets containing at least two b quarks (quark pT>5GeV)
quarklev_bjet_bb_over_b_quarks : ratio of jets with >=2/==1 matched b quarks, vs jet pT
quarklev_bjet_bb_over_b_quarks_5GeV : ratio of jets with >=2/==1 matched b-quarks with pT>5GeV, vs jet pT.
If the full particle level is present in the events, the routine will also make the same plots at the hadron level (titles are “hadlev_…”), as well as the standard plots from the Z+b ATLAS analysis (with data comparison).
CMS Rivet routine:
Cross-section and angular correlations in $Z$ boson with $b$-hadrons events at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV
Center-of-mass energy: 7 TeV
Run the analysis CMS_2013_I1256943 over Z→ee and Z→mumu events. The relevant files have been uploaded for reference, but the routine is available as standard analysis in Rivet. Events with exactly two $b$-hadrons and an $e^+e^-$ or $\mu^+\mu^-$ lepton pair from the Z boson decay are selected. Each lepton has $p_T > 20$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$ and the dilepton invariant mass is $81 < M_{\ell\ell} < 101$ GeV. The $b$-hadrons have $p_T > 15$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2$. The differential cross sections are measured for $p_T > 0$ and $p_T > 50$ GeV.
The analysis works only if full particle level is present in the events, because weakly decaying b-hadrons are used (no b-hadron daughters), without clustering jets. Which permitting the study of $b$-hadron pair production at small angular separation.
The routine will make the standard plots of the Z+BB CMS analysis with data comparison.
List of plots:
Histograms in non-boosted region of $Z$ $p_T$
_h_dR_BB: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\Delta R_{\mathrm{BB}}$
_h_dphi_BB: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\Delta \phi_{\mathrm{BB}}$
_h_min_dR_ZB: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\mathrm{min}\Delta R_{\mathrm{ZB}}$
_h_A_ZBB:Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\mathrm{A}_{\mathrm{ZBB}}$
Histograms in boosted region of $Z$ $p_T$ ($p_T > 50$ GeV)
_h_dR_BB_boost: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\Delta R_{\mathrm{BB}}$
_h_dphi_BB_boost: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\Delta \phi_{\mathrm{BB}}$
_h_min_dR_ZB_boost: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\mathrm{min}\Delta R_{\mathrm{ZB}}$
_h_A_ZBB_boost: Differential cross section as a function of the angular variable $\mathrm{A}_{\mathrm{ZBB}}$
Ongoing work and planned contributions:
Sherpa (Davide, Frank)
4F MC@NLO (pp→Zbb)
5F MEPS@LO (pp→Z + pp→Zj+ pp→ Zjj + pp → Z jjj) all processes at LO,
5F MEPS@NLO (pp→Z + pp→Zj+ pp→ Zjj) MC@NLO + (pp → Z jjj) at LO.
For the 5F_LO scheme different choices of mass treatment in the ME
PDF variations: NNPDF30, CT14, MMHT14 (aS(mZ)=0.118)
both parton and particle level
Possibly Wbb too if enough time
4F Scheme Set Up:
5F Scheme Set Up: (Both MEPS@LO and MEPS@NLO)
Preliminary Plots (may still change):
Powheg (Gionata, Carlo)
4F scheme set up + matching with alphas and PDF with 5 flavours
b-Mass = 4.75 GeV
Z-Mass = 91.1876 GeV
W-Width = 2.1054 GeV
Herwig (Graeme, Christian)
Preliminary results for Zbb production in the 5FS can be found on http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/graeme/public/LH_Vbb/preliminary/Zbb/
Shown are the four matching-shower combinations of Herwig7, i.e.
NLO$\oplus$QTilde aka MCatNLO-based matching with the angular-ordered shower,
NLO$\oplus$Dipole aka MCatNLO-based matching with the dipole shower,
NLO$\otimes$QTilde aka Powheg-based matching with the angular-ordered shower,
NLO$\otimes$Dipole aka Powheg-based matching with the dipole shower.
The uncertainty bands are purely from scale variations with respect to all scales in the hard sub-processes and in the shower, i.e. muR, muF (and the corresponding scales of $\alpha_s$ and PDF arguments in the shower) and muQ (shower start scale).
The central scale choice is a fixed scale (Z mass) at the moment for muR=muF=muQ.
The PDF sets being used are the default PDF sets to which the showers are tuned, i.e. MMHT2014lo68cl and MMHT2014nlo68cl.
The underlying hard process is $p p \to e^+ e^- b \bar{b}$, with $b,\bar{b}\in p$ and we cut on the final state b quarks by requiring at least two jets, with a min. pT of 18 GeV and 15 GeV for the first and second jet respectively.
Statistics: 40k, unweighted.
Preliminary results for Zb production in the 5FS can be found on http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/u/graeme/public/LH_Vbb/preliminary/Zb/
Description: see the first four main bullet points above.
The underlying hard process is $p p \to e^+ e^- {b,\bar{b}}$, with $b,\bar{b}\in p$ and we cut on the final state b quark by requiring at least one jet, with a min. pT of 18 GeV for the first jet.
We cut on the invariant mass of the charged-lepton pair, with a min. inv. mass of 60 GeV and a max. inv. mass of 120 GeV.
Statistics: 100k, unweighted.
Preliminary results for Zbb production in the 4FS can be found on http://www.hep.fsu.edu/~creuschle/public/.Plots_2016_LHVbb_Preliminary/plots_Zbb_4FS_MMHTnf5_BnotinJ_0Jet_NoBCut_WeightedOff_FixedScale/
Shown is NLO$\oplus$QTilde (MCatNLO-DefaultShower) and NLO$\otimes$QTilde (Powheg-DefaultShower).
Scale choices, scale variations and choice of PDF sets as described above.
The underlying hard process is $p p \to e^+ e^- b \bar{b}$, with $b,\bar{b}\notin p$. There are no cuts on the b quarks.
We cut on the invariant mass of the charged-lepton pair, with a min. inv. mass of 60 GeV and a max. inv. mass of 120 GeV.
We cut slightly on the charged leptons, with a min. pT of 5 GeV and a rapidity range between -4 and 4.
Statistics: 100k, unweighted.
Preliminary results for Wbb production in the 4FS can be found on http://www.hep.fsu.edu/~creuschle/public/.Plots_2016_LHVbb_Preliminary/plots_Wbb_4FS_MMHTnf5_BnotinJ_0Jet_NoBCut_WeightedOff_FixedScale/
Shown is NLO$\oplus$QTilde (MCatNLO-DefaultShower) and NLO$\otimes$QTilde (Powheg-DefaultShower).
The central scale choice is a fixed scale (W mass) at the moment for muR=muF=muQ.
Scale variations and choice of PDF sets as described above.
The underlying hard process is $p p \to l \nu b \bar{b}$, considering $e^{\pm},\mu^{\pm}\in l$. There are no cuts on the b quarks.
We cut on the transverse mass of the W, with a min. trans. mass of 20 GeV.
We cut slightly on the charged lepton, with a min. pT of 5 GeV and a rapidity range between -4 and 4.
Statistics: 100k, unweighted.
Further studies on Zbb production in the 4FS, for a different PDF choice, can be found on https://www.itp.kit.edu/~reuschle/.Plots_2016_LHVbb_Preliminary/Zbb4FS/plots_NNPDFnf4_BnotinJ_0Jet_MCatNLO-DefaultShower_WeightedOn_Central/
Shown is the NLO$\oplus$QTilde aka MCatNLO-based matching with the angular ordered shower.
No scale variations.
The central scale choice is a fixed scale (Z mass) at the moment for muR=muF=muQ.
The PDF set being used is NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118_nf_4.
Statistics: 1M, weighted.
Further studies on Wbb production in the 4FS, for varying PDF choices, can be found on https://www.itp.kit.edu/~reuschle/.Plots_2016_LHVbb_Preliminary/Wbb4FS/plots_AllPDFs_BinJ_1Jet_MCatNLO-DefaultShower_WeightedOff_Central/ or similarly for on https://www.itp.kit.edu/~reuschle/.Plots_2016_LHVbb_Preliminary/Wbb4FS/plots_AllPDFs_BnotinJ_0Jet_MCatNLO-DefaultShower_WeightedOff_Central/
The difference between the two is that for one we require one jet (which may contain a b quark) with a certain min pT (first link), for the other we don't cut on the b quarks at all (second link).
Shown is the NLO$\oplus$QTilde aka MCatNLO-based matching with the angular ordered shower.
No scale variations.
The central scale choice is a fixed scale (W mass) at the moment for muR=muF=muQ.
There is a choice of different PDF sets being used, i.e.
MMHTnf5: MMHT2014lo68cl and MMHT2014nlo68cl,
MMHTnf4: MMHT2014nlo68cl_nf4,
NNPDFnf5: NNPDF30_lo_as_0118 and NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118,
NNPDFnf4: NNPDF30_lo_as_0118_nf_4 and NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118_nf_4.
Statistics: 100k, unweighted.
The remaining parts of the description of the run setups can be found in the vbb.pdf file in the draft for the proceedings.
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