Effective field theory approach to Higgs searches at the LHC.
EFT implementation in Monte Carlo
Fiducial Higgs cross sections at the LHC
Synergy of electroweak precision and Higgs data.
Triple gauge couplings at the LHC: how to make the analysis better and more model-independent.
Presentation of limits from heavy Higgs searches on multi-Higgs models.
Complementarity between non-standard Higgs searches and precision Higgs measurements
Extra Higgs (light or heavy) searches: which decay channels are not covered?
Scalars approximately mass-degenerate with the 125 GeV Higgs boson
Higgs studies in the off-shell regime: on-shell and off-shell interference effects, impact on heavy Higgs signal strength measurements, EFT vs simplified models.
Prospects for NMSSM Higgs Bosons with Run II
“Exotic” decays of h(125) - what is doable with Run II and how ?
probing h(125) CP (beyond h→ZZ: fermionic h decays, ttH, …)
Higgs and dark matter.
Renormalization group effects in the dim 6 EFT space, impact on searches for new physics?
status of double Higgs production searches: is there something left to do?