decompose inclusive PT distributions to the sum of PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4+ (possible follow-up from the planned experimental measurements), (award is: bet of free coffee from Daniel Maitre)
what about other scales HT/2
cone size dependences
Gregors Soyez suggestion for DR-informed scale varition for large and small anglularly separated jets (?) [to be further clarified]
For more details, see the notes for the Fixed Order vs ME+PS comparisons for inclusive jets
Scale choices in ratios
understand degree of scale cancellations in ratios of cross sections by comparing NLO predictions with corresponding NNLO ones, i.e. W+>=1 jet/Z+>=1 jet, H+>=1 jet/Z+>=1 jet at NLO and at NNLO, using same central scale and variations about that scale
sub-set of questions from Cambridge Scales workshop:
Ratios of cross sections; we can categorize situations where the choice of the same (or similar) scale for the numerator and denominator is warranted; in order of strength of validity -ratio of same cross section at different energies
ratio of same cross section at different rapidities
ratio of n/n-1 jet cross sections
ratio of X+n jet/Y+ n jet, where X and Y are similar, i.e. W and Z
ratio of X+n jet/Y+ n jet, where X and Y are dissimilar, i.e. W and H