// -*- C++ -*- #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableFinalState.hh" namespace Rivet { /// CMS cross-section and angular correlations in Z boson + b-hadrons events at 7 TeV class CMS_2013_I1256943 : public Analysis { public: /// Constructor CMS_2013_I1256943() : Analysis("CMS_2013_I1256943") { } /// Add projections and book histograms void init() { _sumW = 0; _sumW50 = 0; _sumWpT = 0; FinalState fs(Cuts::abseta < 2.4 && Cuts::pT > 20*GeV); addProjection(fs, "FS"); UnstableFinalState ufs(Cuts::abseta < 2 && Cuts::pT > 15*GeV); addProjection(ufs, "UFS"); Cut zetacut = Cuts::abseta < 2.4; ZFinder zfindermu(fs, zetacut, PID::MUON, 81.0*GeV, 101.0*GeV, 0.1, ZFinder::NOCLUSTER, ZFinder::TRACK, 91.2*GeV); addProjection(zfindermu, "ZFinderMu"); ZFinder zfinderel(fs, zetacut, PID::ELECTRON, 81.0*GeV, 101.0*GeV, 0.1, ZFinder::NOCLUSTER, ZFinder::TRACK, 91.2*GeV); addProjection(zfinderel, "ZFinderEl"); // Histograms in non-boosted region of Z pT _h_dR_BB = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1); _h_dphi_BB = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1); _h_min_dR_ZB = bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1); _h_A_ZBB = bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1); // Histograms in boosted region of Z pT (pT > 50 GeV) _h_dR_BB_boost = bookHisto1D(5, 1, 1); _h_dphi_BB_boost = bookHisto1D(6, 1, 1); _h_min_dR_ZB_boost = bookHisto1D(7, 1, 1); _h_A_ZBB_boost = bookHisto1D(8, 1, 1); _h_min_ZpT = bookHisto1D(9,1,1); } /// Do the analysis void analyze(const Event& e) { vector Bmom; const UnstableFinalState& ufs = applyProjection(e, "UFS"); const ZFinder& zfindermu = applyProjection(e, "ZFinderMu"); const ZFinder& zfinderel = applyProjection(e, "ZFinderEl"); // Look for a Z --> mu+ mu- event in the final state if (zfindermu.empty() && zfinderel.empty()) vetoEvent; const Particles& z = !zfindermu.empty() ? zfindermu.bosons() : zfinderel.bosons(); const bool is_boosted = ( z[0].pT() > 50*GeV ); // Loop over the unstable particles foreach (const Particle& p, ufs.particles()) { const PdgId pid = p.pid(); // Look for particles with a bottom quark if (PID::hasBottom(pid)) { bool good_B = false; const HepMC::GenParticle* pgen = p.genParticle(); HepMC::GenVertex* vgen = pgen -> end_vertex(); // Loop over the decay products of each unstable particle. // Look for a couple of B hadrons. for (HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator it = vgen->particles_out_const_begin(); it != vgen->particles_out_const_end(); ++it) { // If the particle produced has a bottom quark do not count it and go to the next loop cycle. if (!( PID::hasBottom( (*it)->pdg_id() ) ) ) { good_B = true; continue; } else { good_B = false; break; } } if (good_B ) Bmom.push_back( p.momentum() ); } else continue; } // If there are more than two B's in the final state veto the event if (Bmom.size() != 2 ) vetoEvent; // Calculate the observables double dphiBB = fabs(Bmom[0].phi() - Bmom[1].phi()); double dRBB = deltaR(Bmom[0], Bmom[1]); const FourMomentum& pZ = z[0].momentum(); const bool closest_B = ( deltaR(pZ, Bmom[0]) < deltaR(pZ, Bmom[1]) ); const double mindR_ZB = closest_B ? deltaR(pZ, Bmom[0]) : deltaR(pZ, Bmom[1]); const double maxdR_ZB = closest_B ? deltaR(pZ, Bmom[1]) : deltaR(pZ, Bmom[0]); const double AZBB = ( maxdR_ZB - mindR_ZB ) / ( maxdR_ZB + mindR_ZB ); // Get event weight for histogramming const double weight = e.weight(); // Fill the histograms in the non-boosted region _h_dphi_BB->fill(dphiBB, weight); _h_dR_BB->fill(dRBB, weight); _h_min_dR_ZB->fill(mindR_ZB, weight); _h_A_ZBB->fill(AZBB, weight); _sumW += weight; _sumWpT += weight; // Fill the histograms in the boosted region if (is_boosted) { _sumW50 += weight; _h_dphi_BB_boost->fill(dphiBB, weight); _h_dR_BB_boost->fill(dRBB, weight); _h_min_dR_ZB_boost->fill(mindR_ZB, weight); _h_A_ZBB_boost->fill(AZBB, weight); } // Fill Z pT (cumulative) histogram _h_min_ZpT->fill(0, weight); if (pZ.pT() > 40*GeV ) { _sumWpT += weight; _h_min_ZpT->fill(40, weight); } if (pZ.pT() > 80*GeV ) { _sumWpT += weight; _h_min_ZpT->fill(80, weight); } if (pZ.pT() > 120*GeV ) { _sumWpT += weight; _h_min_ZpT->fill(120, weight); } Bmom.clear(); } /// Finalize void finalize() { // Normalize excluding overflow bins (d'oh) normalize(_h_dR_BB, 0.7*crossSection()*_sumW/sumOfWeights(), false); // d01-x01-y01 normalize(_h_dphi_BB, 0.53*crossSection()*_sumW/sumOfWeights(), false); // d02-x01-y01 normalize(_h_min_dR_ZB, 0.84*crossSection()*_sumW/sumOfWeights(), false); // d03-x01-y01 normalize(_h_A_ZBB, 0.2*crossSection()*_sumW/sumOfWeights(), false); // d04-x01-y01 normalize(_h_dR_BB_boost, 0.84*crossSection()*_sumW50/sumOfWeights(), false); // d05-x01-y01 normalize(_h_dphi_BB_boost, 0.63*crossSection()*_sumW50/sumOfWeights(), false); // d06-x01-y01 normalize(_h_min_dR_ZB_boost, 1*crossSection()*_sumW50/sumOfWeights(), false); // d07-x01-y01 normalize(_h_A_ZBB_boost, 0.25*crossSection()*_sumW50/sumOfWeights(), false); // d08-x01-y01 normalize(_h_min_ZpT, 40*crossSection()*_sumWpT/sumOfWeights(), false); // d09-x01-y01 } private: /// @name Weight counters //@{ double _sumW, _sumW50, _sumWpT; //@} /// @name Histograms //@{ Histo1DPtr _h_dphi_BB, _h_dR_BB, _h_min_dR_ZB, _h_A_ZBB; Histo1DPtr _h_dphi_BB_boost, _h_dR_BB_boost, _h_min_dR_ZB_boost, _h_A_ZBB_boost, _h_min_ZpT; //@} }; // Hook for the plugin system DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(CMS_2013_I1256943); }